Noisiest restaurants in lima
Pizzería La Linterna is one of Noisiest restaurants in lima.

1. Pizzería La Linterna

Av. Caminos del Inca 459, Surco, Lima
Pizzeria · 35 tips and reviews
LongHorn is one of Noisiest restaurants in lima.

2. LongHorn

Av. Libertadores 302 (esq. Ca. E. Plascencia), San Isidro, Lima
Steakhouse · 62 tips and reviews
Segundo Muelle is one of Noisiest restaurants in lima.

3. Segundo Muelle

Av. Conquistadores 490, San Isidro, Lima
Seafood Restaurant · 112 tips and reviews
Hanzo is one of Noisiest restaurants in lima.

4. Hanzo

Av. Conquistadores 598, San Isidro, Lima
Japanese Restaurant · 103 tips and reviews