Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities
Menara Air PDAM is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

1. Menara Air PDAM

Jalan Pandu, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Monument · 6 tips and reviews

vv a n t ovv a n t o: The landmark of Medan city. Built by Netherland's government in 20th century. The tower is still working until now…

Tjong A Fie Mansion is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

2. Tjong A Fie Mansion

Jalan Jenderal A. Yani No. 105 (Kesawan), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Historic and Protected Site · 10 tips and reviews

Fallen A.Fallen Angel: A prominent home located in the heart of Medan City at Kesawan Square, this beautiful mansion is full of characters and cultures behind its history in Medan. Now, the mansion is opened to visitors.

Istana Maimun is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

3. Istana Maimun

Jl. Brigjend Katamso (Sukaraja), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Historic and Protected Site · 56 tips and reviews

Fallen A.Fallen Angel: Istana Maimun Palace is a well-known landmark at Medan, Built by the Sultan of Deli, Sultan Makmun Al Rasyid Perkasa Alamsyah in years 1887–1891.

Masjid Raya Al-Mashun is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

4. Masjid Raya Al-Mashun

Jalan Sisingamangaraja (Jalan Masjid Raya), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Mosque · 64 tips and reviews

Fallen A.Fallen Angel: A Great Mosque, an old biggest mosque is a relic of this great Empire Deli on the leadership of Sultan Ma'mun Al Rashid in North Sumatra after Maimoon Palace

GPIB Immanuel is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

5. GPIB Immanuel

Jl. P. Diponegoro No. 25-27 (Depan Kantor Gubsu), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Church · 9 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: One of the oldest Church in Medan

Vihara Gunung Timur (Heng Hwa Bio) is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

6. Vihara Gunung Timur (Heng Hwa Bio)

Jalan Hang Tuah No. 16, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Buddhist Temple · 4 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: Traditional Chinese Temple with Great sculpture architechture

Kuil Shri Mariamman is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

7. Kuil Shri Mariamman

Jalan Teuku Umar, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Temple · 6 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: Many great and countless of gods and creature sculpture in here

PT PP London Sumatera Indonesia, Tbk is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

8. PT PP London Sumatera Indonesia, Tbk

Jalan Ahmad Yani No. 1, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Office · 10 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: Build since Netherland Collonial Ages

Graha St. Maria Annai Velangkanni is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

9. Graha St. Maria Annai Velangkanni

Jalan Sakura III No. 10 (Tanjung Selamat), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Church · 26 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: Beautiful and solemn pilgrimage center ...

Tugu Guru Patimpus is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

10. Tugu Guru Patimpus

Jalan Guru Patimpus, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Monument · 4 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: Guru Patimpus was the founder of Medan In the 16th century, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Words taken from Madan

Grand Aston City Hall Medan is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

11. Grand Aston City Hall Medan

Jalan Balai Kota No. 1 (Jalan Raden Saleh), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Hotel · 126 tips and reviews

Reno A.Reno Akbar: Nice hotel, good breakfast and cool to swimming pool

Pos Indonesia Medan is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

12. Pos Indonesia Medan

Jl. Pos No. 1 (Jl. Balaikota), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Post Office · 14 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: Kilometer Nol

Semarang Food Center (Medan Chinatown) is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

13. Semarang Food Center (Medan Chinatown)

Jl. Semarang, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Food Court · 70 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: Try bihun ikan gabus cab. Kotacane

Sun Plaza is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

14. Sun Plaza

Jl. KH. Zainul Arifin No. 7 (Jl. Pangeran Diponegoro), Medan, North Sumatera
Shopping Mall · Madras Hulu · 665 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: Still the most luxurious mall at Medan

Cambridge City Square is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

15. Cambridge City Square

Jl. Letjend. S. Parman No. 217 (Jl. K.H. Zainul Arifin), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Shopping Mall · 182 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: One stop shooping : Berastagi Supermarket, MyLifeGym&Spa, Stingers, Duck King, Breadtalk, Jitlada Thai Restaurant, Barista Coffee, Sports Station, Hotel Swiss Bel, Hagen-Dazs

Merdeka Walk is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

16. Merdeka Walk

Jalan Balai Kota, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Food Court · 383 tips and reviews

Jimmy C.Jimmy Canggang: The hottest hangout in town

Taman Buaya Asam Kumbang is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

17. Taman Buaya Asam Kumbang

Jalan Bunga Raya II No. 59 (Sunggal), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Zoo · 18 tips and reviews

Fallen A.Fallen Angel: Alligator Park Asam Kumbang Owned Than Lo Muk is located in the district located about 5 miles from the center of Medan. Feel the sensation of crocodile feeding

Rahmat International Wildlife Museum & Gallery is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

18. Rahmat International Wildlife Museum & Gallery

Jl. Letjend S. Parman No. 308, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Museum · 23 tips and reviews

Fallen A.Fallen Angel: Rahmat International Wildlife Museum & Gallery displays various collections of wild animals is preserved. The animals of more than 1000 who are from all over the world.

Stadion Teladan is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

19. Stadion Teladan

Jalan Stadion (Jalan Starban), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Soccer Stadium · 41 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: Pride of the city stadium field....

Danau Toba is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

20. Danau Toba

Parapat (Girsang Sipangan Bolon), Simalungun, Sumatera Utara
Lake · 151 tips and reviews

Syafrian A.Syafrian Adiananda: The lake is 100 kilometres long and 30 kilometres wide, and 505 metres (1,666 ft) at its deepest point. It is the largest lake in Indonesia and the largest volcanic lake in the world.

Entrance The Music Temple is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

21. Entrance The Music Temple

Grand Aston City Hall (Jalan Balai Kota No. 1), Medan, North Sumatera
Night Club · 118 tips and reviews

Putri Una A.Putri Una Astari: Enjoy the music + dancing on the dancefloor.. Trance your soul..!!! Join & Cheeeerrzz!! ;D *iLoveToBeThere w/ mySuperDj.Adhi♡*

Ucok Durian is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

22. Ucok Durian

Jl. K.H. Wahid Hasyim No. 14 (Jl. Sei Wampu), Medan, North Sumatera
Fruit and Vegetable Store · 140 tips and reviews

Hendry T.Hendry Taharudin: Best durian in town... :)

Wisma Benteng Seafood Restaurant is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

23. Wisma Benteng Seafood Restaurant

Jl. Kapten. Maulana Lubis No. 6 (Jalan Pengadilan), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Seafood Restaurant · Petisah Tengah, Medan Petisah · 28 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: Cold dish.....

Bolu Meranti is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

24. Bolu Meranti

Jl. Kruing No. 2K (Jalan Merbau-Dagan), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Bakery · 115 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: The most famous roll cake places in Medan, this one absolutely delicious and definitely a must try

Martabak Piring "Murni" is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

25. Martabak Piring "Murni"

Jl. Bogor/ Jl. Selat Panjang, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Food Truck · 11 tips and reviews

Haifa V.Haifa Victoria: Nice martabak !!! Ga nyesel deh, enak bangeeeetttttt

Bika Ambon Zulaikha is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

26. Bika Ambon Zulaikha

Jl. Mojopahit No. 70 ABC, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Bakery · 62 tips and reviews

rahmikarolinarahmikarolina: Menyediakan bika ambon,bolu gulung dengan aneka rasa dan dijamin Halal,tersedia juga sirup markisa dan terong belanda asli khas Medan

Pasar Buah Brastagi is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

27. Pasar Buah Brastagi

Berastagi, Brastagi, Sumatera Utara
Farmers Market · 25 tips and reviews

Don'y C S.Don'y C Surbakti: Ikon kota kecil Berastagi. Beli buah & sayuran lokal disini.

Opal Coffee Cafe & Resto is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

28. Opal Coffee Cafe & Resto

Komp. Perumahan Griya Riatur Blok C No. 56 (Jalan T Amir Hamzah), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Coffee Shop · 65 tips and reviews Newly opened Opal Coffee cafe and resto, review

Tip Top is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

29. Tip Top

Jl. Jend. A. Yani d/h Kesawan No. 92 A/B, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Restaurant · 208 tips and reviews

Billy R.Billy Regal: Tip Top Restaurant established in 1929 under the name JANG KiE. Best old restaurant. Recommended : Ice Cream, Nasi Goreng Tip Top Special.

RM Garuda is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

30. RM Garuda

Jalan Pattimura, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Padangnese Restaurant · 21 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: Try the seasoning fried chicken!! crunchy and tast

RM. Sinar Pagi is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

31. RM. Sinar Pagi

Jl Sei Deli No. 2D (Jl. Gatot Subroto), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Indonesian Restaurant · 106 tips and reviews

Tansa Trisna A.Tansa Trisna Astono Putri: this is the most delicious soto in medan, just try it guys :))

Tiong Sim Mie Pangsit is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

32. Tiong Sim Mie Pangsit

Jl. Selat Panjang No.7, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Noodle Restaurant · 30 tips and reviews

Davied G.Davied Gidion: this is my favourite yuummmyyy

Gaboh Grill Burger is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

33. Gaboh Grill Burger

Jalan Pangeran Diponegoro No. 47 (Sebelum kantor Malaysian Consultant), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Burger Joint · 79 tips and reviews

NikkoooNikkooo: Gaboh means gajah aboooh or the swollen elephant, so prepare yourself :p

Sate Padang Triadi is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

34. Sate Padang Triadi

Jalan Malaka 21, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Food Truck · 13 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: Must try Shrimp satay, only at here....

Nasi Goreng Pandu Baru is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

35. Nasi Goreng Pandu Baru

Jalan Pandu (Jl. Cirebon), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Food Truck · 25 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: Indonesian style fried rice and the taste is number one........

Mie Aceh Titi Bobrok is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

36. Mie Aceh Titi Bobrok

Jl. Setia Budi No. 17C (Medan Sunggal), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Acehnese Restaurant · 147 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: Most Delicious Fried Mee with Aceh style in town, always crowded......

RM. Tabona is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

37. RM. Tabona

Jl. Mangkubumi No. 17, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Noodle Restaurant · 54 tips and reviews

wiwiwiwi: the best mee hoon curry in town!

Bangkatan Binjai Food Centre is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

38. Bangkatan Binjai Food Centre

(Bangkatan), Binjai, Sumatera Utara
Food Court · 7 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: Binjai Culinary Street

Millennium ICT Center is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

39. Millennium ICT Center

Jl. Kapten Muslim No. 111, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Electronics Store · 99 tips and reviews

Eddie M.Eddie Mednezz: your phone solutions

Shoot Pool Lounge & Sports Bar is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

40. Shoot Pool Lounge & Sports Bar

Jalan Kapten Pattimura No. 423, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Pool Hall · 33 tips and reviews

Tengku R.Tengku Rahmaddansyah: Cozy lounge bar with many facilities, billiard, dj-booth, big screen, restourant. Be sure to check-in with some friends, or U will end with high Price : Average Taste : Average Place : Cozy

Gelato Bar & Cava Lounge is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

41. Gelato Bar & Cava Lounge

Jl. Pattimura No. 66 (Jl. Abdullah Lubis), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Bistro · 66 tips and reviews

Huang S.Huang Sarah: Garlic Potato is a must :))

The Traders is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

42. The Traders

Jl. Kapten Pattimura No. 423, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Restaurant · 33 tips and reviews

Yumardi W.Yumardi Wijaya: very good spot indeed to hang out with friendstry the ox steak with lemon juice

The View is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

43. The View

Grand Swiss Belhotel (Jl. S. Parman No. 217), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Lounge · 11 tips and reviews

Jung L.Jung Levis: live jazz it's so bravo...OMG so like this place..!! that jazz make me drunk ;)

Sushi Tei is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

44. Sushi Tei

Jalan Teuku Daud No. 6/12, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Sushi Restaurant · 108 tips and reviews

Wanda K.Wanda Kwok: The best sushi restaurant @medan.. Heart it so much.. <3

Bakerzín is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

45. Bakerzín

Jl. Teuku Daud No. 9, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Café · 63 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: Aglio Oglio...the only and the best in town

Dimsum & Sang Wo Ayong is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

46. Dimsum & Sang Wo Ayong

Jl. Babura Lama No. 12 (Jl. Kapt. Pattimura), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Dim Sum Restaurant · 61 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: Dimsum so yummy.. Steamboat also tastyyyy... don't forget to order seafood fried rice and fried plain kwe tiaw

Sun 21 is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

47. Sun 21

Sun Plaza, 4th Floor (Jl. K.H. Zainul Arifin No. 7), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Movie Theater · 194 tips and reviews

wiwiwiwi: The finest cinema in town!!

Mie Sop Gurilla is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

48. Mie Sop Gurilla

Jalan Gurilla (Jalan Samanhudi), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Soup Spot · 14 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: Chicken noodle soup + Risole...Perfecto combo

Bakso Amat is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

49. Bakso Amat

Jl. Ir. H. Juanda (Jl. Samanhudi), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Indonesian Meatball Restaurant · 34 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: Great and tasty meatball, truly delicious

Trattoria Ristorante Italiano is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

50. Trattoria Ristorante Italiano

Jl. Uskup Agung No. 17, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Italian Restaurant · 25 tips and reviews

MedanMedan: Best Pizza and Pasta in Town!! Don't miss out on their Tiramisu and Panna Cotta too.. got bored with what's on the menu, request for 'make my own pizza'.. a great place for all occasions.

Starbucks is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

51. Starbucks

Sun Plaza, GF (Jalan K. H. Zainul Arifin No. 7), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Coffee Shop · 205 tips and reviews

Carven Y.Carven Yang: Avocado Mousse+Caramel Macchiato extremely perfect!Chocolate Croissant+Caramel Java chip unbelievable combination!

Macehat is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

52. Macehat

Jl. Karo No. 20, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Coffee Shop · 74 tips and reviews

Harry D.Harry Dinata: Ask for the unblended version of ice blended mocha to get a more intense cooffee and chocolate experience. You will come back for more

RM. Ondo Grill Batak is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

53. RM. Ondo Grill Batak

Jl. Pabrik Tenun, Medan, Sumatera Utara
BBQ Joint · 38 tips and reviews

Gilda C.Gilda Chandra: Must Visit!! The food taste great! Full Mark! :D

Warkop Elisabeth is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

54. Warkop Elisabeth

Jalan Haji Misbah, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Coffee Shop · 109 tips and reviews

Fallen A.Fallen Angel: Warkop Elisabeth, called because it is situated in front of Elizabeth Hospital. Used to be a hang-out place for

Lekker Urban Food House is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

55. Lekker Urban Food House

Komp. Multatuli Indah Blok BB No. 10-11 (Jl. H. Misbah), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Café · 112 tips and reviews

Vitri Y.Vitri Yip: Cozy and most unique place in Medan.. No tax but don't forget to bring cash!:D

56. Wisata Kuliner Selat Panjang

Jl. Selat Panjang, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Food Court · 38 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: Another Medan Culinary Street...

57. Grand Mercure Maha Cipta

Jl Sutomo No 1 (Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Hotel · 59 tips and reviews

Hendry T.Hendry Taharudin: Affordable price for 5 stars hotel in medan.. With free 12 hours hot spot, swimming pool, spa, fitness center, breakfast buffet..

JW Marriott Hotel Medan is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

58. JW Marriott Hotel Medan

Jl. Putri Hijau No. 10 (Jl. Guru Patimpus), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Hotel · 84 tips and reviews

Aulia U.Aulia Usamah: The JW Marriott Medan brings a taste of true Five Star Luxury to Medan. The hotel is tastefully designed to provide guests with "approachable luxury" and the views of Medan are spectacular.

XXX3 club is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

59. XXX3 club

Yang Lim Plaza 6th Floor (Jl. Emas No.10), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Night Club · 22 tips and reviews

tommy c.tommy claser: Great one stop entertainment complex...

Roemah Kopi Wak Noer is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

60. Roemah Kopi Wak Noer

Jalan Uskup Agung No. 15, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Coffee Shop · 69 tips and reviews

wiwiwiwi: loves the ambiance. nice place just to hang w/ friends

Ayam Goreng Kalasan is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

61. Ayam Goreng Kalasan

Jl. Iskandar Muda No. 292-294 (Jl. Biduk), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Indonesian Restaurant · 74 tips and reviews

Iman R.Iman Rachman: Great East Javanese meal with great value for money#$milewidely;)

Lembur Kuring is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

62. Lembur Kuring

Jl. T. Amir Hamzah No. 85, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Indonesian Restaurant · 103 tips and reviews

wiwiwiwi: the ultimate traditional Indonesian food. me like it.

SOHO is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

63. SOHO

Capital Building Lt. 2 (Jl. Putri Hijau No. 1A), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Restaurant · 21 tips and reviews

Steven J.Steven Jauhari: Coolllllll

Hermes XXI is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

64. Hermes XXI

Hermes Place Polonia Level 2 (Jl. RW. Monginsidi No. 45), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Movie Theater · 92 tips and reviews
Hermes Place Polonia is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

65. Hermes Place Polonia

Jl. RW. Monginsidi No. 45 (Jl. Dokter Cipto), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Shopping Mall · 28 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: Newest Mall in Medan, with your family you can also enjoy and have fun at Draco Water Park

Nuansa Cafe & Sky Lounge is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

66. Nuansa Cafe & Sky Lounge

Kompleks Polonia Riverview (Jalan Adisucipto No. A1-A9), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Food Court · 47 tips and reviews

Tony 羅.Tony 羅: Nice place, better come here at night for dinner (di Lt2). Udang goreng telur asin & Sop buntutnya maknyus

UFC (Unidentified Flying Chicken) is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

67. UFC (Unidentified Flying Chicken)

Jl. Teuku Cik Di Tiro No. 128 (Madras Hulu, Medan Polonia), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Korean Restaurant · 58 tips and reviews

Yayang D.Yayang Dasopang: Spicy Fried Chicken Korean Style, Fruitylicious, and Puffy Mushroom Soup.

Santika Premiere Dyandra Hotel & Convention is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

68. Santika Premiere Dyandra Hotel & Convention

Jl. Kapten Maulana Lubis No. 7, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Hotel · 91 tips and reviews

Alexander S.Alexander S. Sudiono Simaremare: New baromater MICE (Meeting Incentives Conventions Exhibitions) di Medan

Mie Zhou is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

69. Mie Zhou

Jl. Timor No. 10 F (Btwn Prof.HM. Yamin & Veteran), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Noodle Restaurant · 24 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: Healthy noodle, no preservatives added as the owner claim

Kakatua Café is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

70. Kakatua Café

TravellerS SuiteS MedaN ((Jalan Listrik No. 15), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Café · 3 tips and reviews

Okky ..Okky .....: nasi goreng tomyum nya enaakk .. Cobain deh :)

Sawasdee is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

71. Sawasdee

Jl. Multatuli Raya Blok 7F No. 36-37, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Thai Restaurant · 14 tips and reviews

adhi_fadhi_f: The best Thai restaurant in Medan

Clover Bakeshoppe is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

72. Clover Bakeshoppe

Jl. Teuku Umar No. 10 I/J, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Bakery · 83 tips and reviews
Roland's German Resto is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

73. Roland's German Resto

Jl. Setiabudi No. 262, Medan, Sumatera Utara
German Restaurant · 40 tips and reviews

Raniesta Justice H.Raniesta Justice Hutasoit: The Greatest Pork Ever!!

Matador Country is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

74. Matador Country

Jl. Putri Merak Jingga (Gudang) No. 22, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Coffee Shop · 54 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: Cozy Place with various snack and much variety of Coffee.....Recomended!!!

German Pub is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

75. German Pub

Cemara Asri, Medan, Sumatera Utara
German Restaurant · 9 tips and reviews

nessa c.nessa chen: The taste of sausages is so freaking good!

Havana Kafé is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

76. Havana Kafé

Jl. Sei Bingei 11/13 (Jl. Iskandar Muda), Medan, North Sumatera
Cuban Restaurant · 8 tips and reviews

Casilda S.Casilda Sanchez: Came last weekend when I was visiting Medan. I've been in Indonesia for 2 years, finally found great Latino food here. The food made me miss home! I will definitely visit again. La comida es buena.

Museum Sumatera Utara is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

77. Museum Sumatera Utara

Jalan H. M. Joni No. 51, Medan, Sumatera Utara
History Museum · 10 tips and reviews

Fandra N.Fandra Nasution: The museum is located at Jl. H. M. No Jhoni. Field 51. Is the largest museum in North Sumatra are various relics of Cultural History of the Nation, The Art and Craft of the various Tribes.

061 Bistro is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

78. 061 Bistro

Jalan Jenderal A. Yani No. 80, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Bistro · 89 tips and reviews

Harry D.Harry Dinata: Try their 4square Kolak. Surely refreshing.

Sajian Bhinneka is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

79. Sajian Bhinneka

Jalan Babura Lama No. 4 (Jl Pattimura), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Indonesian Restaurant · 29 tips and reviews

JO 王.JO 王德富: Feel one of the most authentic indonesia atmosphere and enjoy the great taste of many variety of indonesia traditional cuisine

Kualanamu International Airport (KNO) is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

80. Kualanamu International Airport (KNO)

(Bandar Udara Internasional Kualanamu)
Jl. Bandar Udara Kualanamu, Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara
Airport · Beringin · 730 tips and reviews

Hanafie H.Hanafie Himawan: The best airport in Indonesia

RM. Gumarang Jaya is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

81. RM. Gumarang Jaya

Jl. Brigjend. Katamso No. 27-29, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Padangnese Restaurant · 34 tips and reviews

Dhinnie M.Dhinnie Maretha: Antri, namun demi si ayam goreng dan peyek udang ݪήg maakkk nyooooosss.... Hmmmmm. mantaaaappppp

Maha Vihara Maitreya is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

82. Maha Vihara Maitreya

Jalan Cemara Boulevard Utara No. 8 Komplek Cemara Asri (Desa Sampali, Percut Sei Tuan), Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara
Buddhist Temple · 24 tips and reviews

Vennyy W.Vennyy Wii: The best and the biggest temple in medan ♥

LIPPO Plaza is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

83. LIPPO Plaza

Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 6 (Jl. Kejaksaan), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Shopping Mall · 9 tips and reviews
Forum Nine is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

84. Forum Nine

Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 9, Medan, North Sumatera
Structure · 26 tips and reviews

Forum N.Forum Nine: Office and F&B Gallery. Forum Nine is truly “The Destination" for the finer things in life. as you enjoy the luxurious atmosphere of Forum Nine.

Centre Point is one of Ini Medan Bung #4sqCities.

85. Centre Point

Jl. Jawa No. 8 (Jl. Timor), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Shopping Mall · Gang Buntu · 103 tips and reviews

Tiffany T.Tiffany Tan: Great place for shopping. The one and only luxury mall in Medan.