London Paddington Station (PAD), London, Greater London
Train · Paddington · 3 tips and reviews
Joint London: Your Cannes Lions journey starts here. If you think you'll use Heathrow Connect regularly from now on, register on their website for speedier ticket purchase.
151 rue d'Antibes, Cannes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Wine Bar · Gare · 2 tips and reviews
Joint London: This place is a wine shop/traiteur by day and a tapas bar/restaurant in the evening. A great change from the Carlton terrace for an out of the way liaison during Cannes Lions week.
72 boulevard de la Croisette, Cannes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Bar · Croisette - Palm Beach · 34 tips and reviews
Joint London: If you've made enemies over your years in advertising get ready for either a fight or a reconciliation. They'll all be here during the Cannes Lions. So hugs or punches? The choice is yours.
Hotel · Croisette - Palm Beach · 24 tips and reviews
Joint London: During Cannes Lions Festival pop along to Google's Creative Sandbox at Google Beach @Cannes daily from 12 noon Monday 18th - Friday, 22rd June and check out all their ever-so-cool shit.
Hotel · Croisette - Palm Beach · 74 tips and reviews
Joint London: The ideal hotel for lazy Cannes Lions delegates. The closest place to the Palais des Festivals. Even after four days solid drinking you'll be able to make it across the road to jeer the winners.
73 Boulevard de la Croisette, Cannes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Hotel · Croisette - Palm Beach · 79 tips and reviews
Joint London: A top class hotel: the rooms are extremely comfortable, the bathrooms spacious and well equipped, the staff extremely polite and helpful, a wonderful location. Where Ryan Gosling stays!
Joint London: Ah... City Airport. The connoisseur's choice for Cannes Lions week. There are four, yes FOUR, Travelex bureaux de change desks, so getting your Gutter Bar euros should be no problem
Boulevard de la Croisette, Cannes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Beach · Le Vieux Port · 60 tips and reviews
Joint London: If you find yourself here during the Cannes Lions check around you. You may be sharing the beach with the likes of CHI's Jonny Hornby, who comes here just to fall asleep and have his wallet stolen.
French Restaurant · Croisette - Palm Beach · 11 tips and reviews
Joint London: Dump your well deserved Cannes Lions on the table, order a glass of wine and enjoy watching all those who haven't won wonder aimlessly past.
Joint London: Lovely food and charming service. And a bit cheaper than the places up the road at la Croissette, if you've blown your Cannes Lions expenses allocation. And don't worry. The beach isn't really blue.
Joint London: Excellent wines, food and service. Try the fresh fish. And a quick doze here in between top level Cannes Lions delegrates meetings would go down a treat.
Joint London: Come here for the home-made food. Stay for the music. Lovely place to while away the hours til the next Cannes Lions seminar on your list.
Swimming Pool · Cap d'Antibes · 2 tips and reviews
Joint London: The perfect place to escape the bustle of the Croissette during Cannes Lions week. Leave your Lions (you did win some didn't you?) in the hotel, and enjoy the most elegant infinity pool in the world.
French Restaurant · Croisette - Palm Beach · 9 tips and reviews
Joint London: Enjoy a welcome break from the Cannes Lions madness. Chef Jean-Pierre Silva is particularly good on fish, notably lobster and red mullet, but can also come up with a nice grilled quail salad.
73 boulevard de la Croisette, Cannes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Hotel Bar · Croisette - Palm Beach · 4 tips and reviews
Joint London: Not down at the Gutter Bar during the Cannes Lions? You've ether got no friends or got really classy friends who'd rather have a nice chat with people they like, in a cool, relaxing environment
Hotel Pool · Croisette - Palm Beach · 4 tips and reviews
Joint London: Kick back and enjoy a few award winning cocktails by the award winning pool. Just hope you'll be winning as many awards during the Cannes Lions as this place has over the years.
1 rue Notre-Dame, Cannes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Hotel · Croisette - Palm Beach · 23 tips and reviews
Joint London: Ah, from here you can almost reach out and touch the Cannes Lions statuettes over in the Palace des Festivals. Have a swim here or a cocktail or a snooze. Whatever you do, don't do any work!
Boulevard de la Croisette, Cannes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Beach · Le Vieux Port · 60 tips and reviews
Joint London: A free beach. Great place for those who've managed to blow all their cash on their first day at the Cannes Lions and have had their company Amex cancelled.
Boulevard de la Croisette, Cannes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Beach · Le Vieux Port · 17 tips and reviews
Joint London: Ideal spot for a mid-session pick-me-up whilst judging the Cannes Lions. (If you're on the TV jury you've got a good chance of becoming mayor during your stay!)
52 boulevard Croisette Cannes la Bocca, Cannes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Beach Bar · Croisette - Palm Beach · 14 tips and reviews
Joint London: Try the fixed price menu at 32 Euros (warning: prices may have been bumped up somewhat for the Cannes Lions!). Tasty food, well-proportioned and attractively presented. And quite nice sand.
58 La Croisette, Cannes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Hotel Bar · Croisette - Palm Beach · 57 tips and reviews
Joint London: During the Cannes Lions this is THE place to meet for a drink after a hard day's drinking. See how long you can actually stay on the terrace before you get edged off into the road.
Joint London: During the Cannes Lions this is THE place to walk around in dark glasses, day or night, hoping to be seen by someone important, whilst on the search for either a prostitute or a free agency party.
Terminal 5 (LHR Airport), Hillingdon, Greater London
Airport Lounge · 158 tips and reviews
Joint London: Only elite Cannes Lions revellers enjoy the rarified atmosphere here at the BA First Class Lounge. Remember, if there's anything you want that isn't on offer at the bar, just ask a staff member.
27 Rue Félix Faure, Cannes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Seafood Restaurant · Le Vieux Port · 222 tips and reviews
Joint London: THE place for seafood while you're here for the Cannes Lions. Priced by the number of pieces for the shells, and per 100g for the shellfish. FYI there are four grosses crevettes (big shrimps) in 100g.
Joint London: Classic Mediterranean fish dishes with a certain panache, alongside a fair sprinkling of decent meats. Beef rossini might tempt, if you've had enough fish already during the Cannes Lions Festival.
Joint London: Stop at one of the outdoor cafes and sip a coffee or a glass of wine while enjoying the view from the top. If you look closely you might just spot a few Cannes Lions winners gloating.
Joint London: Well done for making it this far. Don't worry there's a sick back on the plane if the week catches up with you. And remember to ask for some water when you get on board.
French Restaurant · Cap d'Antibes · 11 tips and reviews
Joint London: Exquisite view and great for people watching. Though if you're here for the Cannes Lions not the actual Film Festival you won't find real celebs here, just adfolk who think they are. Try the moules.
11 rue Louis Perrissol, Cannes, Provence-Alpes-Côte
French Restaurant · Le Vieux Port · 12 tips and reviews
Joint London: Excellent Provencale cuisine. The owners, Mario & Andrea, delight in offering Cannes Lions patrons a truly wonderful experience. You have to have The Menu.
Boulevard de la Croisette, Cannes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Beach · Le Vieux Port · 31 tips and reviews
Joint London: One of the nicest beaches around. An ideal spot to unwind after a hard days Cannes Lion winning. Run by Paula and Mario, don't miss their excellent lemon spiced tuna tartare!
Night Club · Croisette - Palm Beach · 4 tips and reviews
Joint London: Won a Cannes Lion? Why not celebrate here? The atmosphere is as chilled as the wine. Not won a Lion? The pool is as good a place to drown yourself as any.
French Restaurant · Croisette - Palm Beach · 49 tips and reviews
Joint London: This has to be one of the BEST ways to spend a week's wages during your stay for the Cannes Lions. Sit on the terrace. Watch the sun go down. Try one of their two delicious Michelin Stars.
Place du Général de Gaulle, Saint Paul de Vence, PACA
Hotel · 40 tips and reviews
Joint London: You know what the old adage: 'you can't eat atmosphere'? Pah! Come here and have a chomp at the terrace and a nibble of the Picassos. The food?: Whatever. That's not why you came here is it?
58 boulevard de la Croisette (Rue du Canada), Cannes, Maritime Alps
Hotel · Croisette - Palm Beach · 115 tips and reviews
Joint London: During the Cannes Lions this is THE place to stay. In fact, if you're not staying here you might as go home, as you haven't really made it as a globally renowned ad guru have you?
Joint London: During the Cannes Lions spend as much time here as possible drinking and talking to people you haven't seen for a long time and don't really like anyway. Use the beach opposite when you need to vomit.
1 boulevard de la Croisette, Cannes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Convention Center · Le Vieux Port · 146 tips and reviews
Joint London: This is a great place to judge the Cannes Lions. Also, if you can afford it, attend some of the many intresting seminars or even the awards themselves. There's also an exhibition of the winning work.
Joint London: Ah, the sun, the sea, the sick streaming down the gutter. There's nothing like a stroll down La Croissette during the Cannes Lions to lift the soul. See if you can spot some real people to watch.
72 boulevard de la Croisette, Cannes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Bar · Croisette - Palm Beach · 34 tips and reviews
Joint London: Desperate to get out of that dreadful job you accepted at the global network from hell? This is the place to come. The headhunters all flock here during Cannes Lions week.
72 boulevard de la Croisette, Cannes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Bar · Croisette - Palm Beach · 34 tips and reviews
Joint London: You're here. You've made it. The long hours spent over that piece of work you've entered into the Cannes Lions were all worthwhile: You've earned the right to get drunker than you've ever been. Enjoy.
72 boulevard de la Croisette, Cannes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Bar · Croisette - Palm Beach · 34 tips and reviews
Joint London: Vomitted over your clothes during an extra long stint of Cannes Lions drinking? Just down the Rue Latour-Maubourg on thr right is the Lavomatique laundromat. Your soiled togs will soon be good as new.
Palais des Festival, la Croisette, Cannes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Convention Center · Le Vieux Port · 9 tips and reviews
Joint London: You're here! You've made it. This is what you've worked for all these years. What you've dreamed of since day one: The opportunity to get profoundly drunk, while other people win Cannes Lions! Enjoy.
Terminal 5 (LHR Airport), Hillingdon, Greater London
Airport Lounge · 158 tips and reviews
Joint London: For Cannes Lions delegates keen to catch up with the office, remember the wifi password here changes regularly. And if the office can wait, check out the rosé selection. Perfect prep for La Croisette.
Terminal 5 (LHR Airport), Hillingdon, Greater London
Modern European Restaurant · 250 tips and reviews
Joint London: Pre-flight deliciousness for Cannes Lions travellers. Remember to tell the staff when your flight is leaving and they'll try and hurry things along.
Hotel Bar · Croisette - Palm Beach · 21 tips and reviews
Joint London: Just won a Cannes Lion? This is the place to celebrate with a few bottles of finest Dom Perignon. Didn't win? Fuck it. Pop round the corner to the Gutter bar and get twatted.
50 boulevard de la Croisette, Cannes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Beach · Le Vieux Port · 64 tips and reviews
Joint London: The service is bad, the food is mediocre and expensive, but the sunbeds are nicely spaced out. Come back in the evening for pumping tunes and try and avoid the poseurs.
Joint London: Put on your best hot-pants and get your pretty li'l self inside here pronto. Who knows who you'll see here during Cannes Lions week, but you can bet they'll be having a good time...
Joint London: The owner Cedric has an amazing knowledge wines. Ask him what he thinks you'd like. You inevitably will. A not to be missed experience during your trip to the Cannes Lions.
Palais des Festival, la Croisette, Cannes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Convention Center · Le Vieux Port · 9 tips and reviews
Joint London: While you're waiting in line to get into the Cannes Lions awards ceremony see if you can spot Cannes' famous mother and daughter hookers in their matching leopard print outfits.
San Francisco Design Center Concourse (635 Eighth Street), San Francisco, CA
Gift Store · Showplace Square · 45 tips and reviews
Joint London: While you're at the Cannes Lions why not check in here? Tag your tweet #NokiaConnects and see if you win something. If you don't, give the thing a kick and tweet #crappybloodynokiagitmachine
72 boulevard de la Croisette, Cannes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Bar · Croisette - Palm Beach · 34 tips and reviews
Joint London: Got someone so drunk they're prepared to sleep with you? THAT'S what the Cannes Lions is all about! The Anglo American Pharmacy is at 36 Rue d'Antibes. So you've no excuse not to practice safe sex.
72 boulevard de la Croisette, Cannes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Bar · Croisette - Palm Beach · 34 tips and reviews
Joint London: The eighth round of drinks financially crippled you? There's a BNP Paribas with a cash machine down the road at 23 Rue d'Antibes. You're your own worst enemy aren't you? Tut.
Convention Center · Le Vieux Port · 3 tips and reviews
Joint London: There's actual sand in Google's Creative Sandbox at the Cannes Lions. Nourish your mind and body with yoga every morning and talks throughout the day, then totally wreck your liver in the evening.
Joint London: Got no frickin' idea where to have a lunch meeting during the Cannes Lions? Hit the 'explore' button on your Foursquare app for the best places to eat and drink nearby.
Cocktail Bar · Croisette - Palm Beach · 11 tips and reviews
Joint London: Ola Cannes Lions Balearic or Baloney revellers - for the real thing, drive 1,217km to Denia via Barca, take St Antonio ferry to Ibiza, get a taxi to The Blue Marlin. DJ Prosper Rek plays all day 21/6