58 North 4th Ring W Rd (At Ground Parking of Ideal Plaza), 北京市, 北京市
Electric Vehicle Charging Station · Zhōngguāncūn · 1 tip
ジュリアン グラン ポアソン: Free parking. Go to the nearby NIO House and use the bathroom at 2/F (behind the coffee counter). This is the busiest battery swap station. You might have to wait hours.
1 Yijing Rd (At Ground Parking of Donghai Business Bldg), 北京市, 北京市
Electric Vehicle Charging Station · Shùnyì · 2 tips and reviews
ジュリアン グラン ポアソン: The navigation will lead you to the exit of the parking lot. It’s close to the facility but impossible to enter. Take a detour round the Cordis hotel. You will find it at the Erjing Rd (二经路).
Electric Vehicle Charging Station · Fēngtái qū · 1 tip
ジュリアン グラン ポアソン: It’s officially the 18th battery swap station in Beijing (incl. Langfang, Hebei). There is no 24h bathroom. You can go to the supermarket nearby.
ジュリアン グラン ポアソン: It’s close to the exit of ground parking. Free parking. No bathroom at sight. It will temporarily close for 30 minutes when kids arrive or leave the kindergarten.
G1 Expwy (At Tianjiafu Rest Area (Beijing Bound)), 北京市, 北京市
Electric Vehicle Charging Station · Tōngzhōu · 1 tip
ジュリアン グラン ポアソン: Free parking. Bathroom and convenience store are 200 meters away. The station is at opposite side of State Grid EV chargers. Make a right turn ASAP.
Electric Vehicle Charging Station · Chāoyáng qū · 1 tip
ジュリアン グラン ポアソン: Located inside NIO's service center. Free parking. Bathroom nearby. As of October 2021, the batteries can't be recharged fast enough. If waiting time is too long, go to Jiangzhuanghu.
G101, Kaifang Rd (At Sinopec Jinsui Gas Station), 北京市, 北京市
Electric Vehicle Charging Station · Huáiróu · 1 tip
ジュリアン グラン ポアソン: Welcome to the first Lucky Battery Swap Station! This station was nominated by the lucky NIO owner Mr. Ding Qi. You can find his autograph plate at the front wall.
6 Wenhuayuan E Rd (At Ground Parking of Sam’s Club (Near Exit)), 北京市, 北京市
Electric Vehicle Charging Station · Дасин · 1 tip
ジュリアン グラン ポアソン: Get two hours free parking with any purchase at Sam's. Bathroom available inside the shopping compound. As of October 2021, the station is not fully ready for customers.
Electric Vehicle Charging Station · Chāoyáng qū · 1 tip
ジュリアン グラン ポアソン: Near Lotus Supermarket. No bathroom nearby. Take the newly modified entrance at Chaoyang Rd. Don't trust satnav in your car as of December 2021.
Electric Vehicle Charging Station · Haidian · 1 tip
ジュリアン グラン ポアソン: Paid parking. CNY 2 for 15 mins, first 15 mins free. You probably need go to hotel lobby for bathroom. This is a special battery swap station with customized livery.
Electric Vehicle Charging Station · Chāngpíng · No tips or reviews
ジュリアン グラン ポアソン: Now we have battery swap stations on both sides. Since it is downwards on S3801 Beijing bound, this one can help not as much as the one on the other side.
Electric Vehicle Charging Station · Shùnyì · No tips or reviews
ジュリアン グラン ポアソン: This battery swap station is inside the service center. Free parking. You can use the bathroom inside the NIO House. Coffee available too.
Qunfang S St (NE of Gate G3, Universal Resorts Beijing), 北京市, 北京市
Electric Vehicle Charging Station · Tōngzhōu · 1 tip
ジュリアン グラン ポアソン: Free parking. It's technically off the wall of Universal Studios Beijing. Yet the main entrance is so far far away from here. You might have to walk 15 minutes.
23 North 3rd Ring W Rd (At Ground Parking of Lanjing Lijia), 北京市, 北京市
Electric Vehicle Charging Station · Zhīchūn lù · 1 tip
ジュリアン グラン ポアソン: This station is a 2nd gen version but you have to hand over your car to the service people. I guess it's because the uneven ground making the auto parking unsafe.
ジュリアン グラン ポアソン: The entrance is tricky. Choose the right lane for left turn as quickly as possible. Otherwise you either break the rule by crossing the line or make a u-turn ahead.
Electric Vehicle Charging Station · Shíjǐngshān qū · 1 tip
ジュリアン グラン ポアソン: The parking lot entrance is tricky. But you will be fine if successfully deal the sudden right turn. No bathroom insight but there’s a shopping mall cross the street.
Electric Vehicle Charging Station · Fēngtái qū · 1 tip
ジュリアン グラン ポアソン: This station is at the opposite side of Beijing West Railway Station. You will need some U-turns if coming from or going away from the train station. No bathroom in sight.
Electric Vehicle Charging Station · Chāoyáng qū · 1 tip
ジュリアン グラン ポアソン: No bathroom insight. Paid parking. Located inside a massive parking lot by the 2nd ring road. Kudos to the NIO Power team. There are four new charging stolls around.
Electric Vehicle Charging Station · No tips or reviews
ジュリアン グラン ポアソン: The detour is annoying but this place is just around the Long Jie toll gate. You can super charge your EV in five minutes and get back on road.