Na Ala Hele - Hiking on Oahu
Kanealole Trail is one of Na Ala Hele - Hiking on Oahu.

1. Kanealole Trail

Honolulu, HI
Hiking Trail · Makiki - Lower Punchbowl - Tantalu · 2 tips and reviews

Mishell P.Mishell Paulino: This is actually a part of the Makiki-Tantalus Trail and consists of this trail, Makiki Valley Trail and the Maunalaha Trail. The Makikiki Loop is the easiest.

Maunawili Falls Trail is one of Na Ala Hele - Hiking on Oahu.

2. Maunawili Falls Trail

Kelewina Rd., Kailua, HI
Hiking Trail · 24 tips and reviews

Roxy K.Roxy Kahn: Old tennis shoes, bug spray, walking stick, and a waterproof camera!

Judd Trail is one of Na Ala Hele - Hiking on Oahu.

3. Judd Trail

Honolulu, HI
Hiking Trail · Nuuanu - Punchbowl · 4 tips and reviews
Jackass Ginger Pools is one of Na Ala Hele - Hiking on Oahu.

4. Jackass Ginger Pools

Honolulu, HI
Lake · Nuuanu - Punchbowl · No tips or reviews
Manoa Cliff Trail is one of Na Ala Hele - Hiking on Oahu.

5. Manoa Cliff Trail

Honolulu, HI
Hiking Trail · Makiki - Lower Punchbowl - Tantalu · No tips or reviews
Koko Head Crater Trail is one of Na Ala Hele - Hiking on Oahu.

6. Koko Head Crater Trail

Honolulu, HI
Hiking Trail · Hawaii Kai · 83 tips and reviews

Traci C.Traci Ciccarelli: Advanced trail, highly elevated so air is thin making it hard to breath. Bring a bottle water and don't be afraid to take as many breaks as u need.

Olomana Trail Head is one of Na Ala Hele - Hiking on Oahu.

7. Olomana Trail Head

Hiking Trail · 3 tips and reviews

Sintawat W.Sintawat Wangsiricharoen: The third peak is really challenging and dangerous. Prepare yourself good enough to climb the third. For those who don't wanna go that far, viewpoint from the first peak is good enough.

8. Likeke Falls

Kāne‘ohe, HI
Hiking Trail · 2 tips and reviews

Chris S.Chris Sicotte: Muddy and slippery but a nice hike.