Karri's Good Beer Places in Tampere, Finland
Gastropub Tuulensuu is one of Karri's Good Beer Places in Tampere, Finland.

1. Gastropub Tuulensuu

Hämeenpuisto 23 (Puutarhakatu), Tampere, Pirkanmaa
Gastropub · 58 tips and reviews

Karri H.Karri Huhtanen: In addition to great beer and rum selection, this place also has food surpassing gastropub level.

Gastropub Soho is one of Karri's Good Beer Places in Tampere, Finland.

2. Gastropub Soho

Otavalankatu 10, Tampere, Pirkanmaa
Gastropub · 46 tips and reviews

Karri H.Karri Huhtanen: In addition to british beers, this place also has in my opinion the best hamburgers in town. Try Soho burger with salad for example.

Gastropub Nordic is one of Karri's Good Beer Places in Tampere, Finland.

3. Gastropub Nordic

Otavalankatu 3, Tampere, Pirkanmaa
Gastropub · 42 tips and reviews

Karri H.Karri Huhtanen: This place is especially nice if you want to try Scandinavian craft beers. They have one of the best Finnish breweries regularly on draught and then 2 changing draughts for various craft beers.

Olutravintola Konttori is one of Karri's Good Beer Places in Tampere, Finland.

4. Olutravintola Konttori

Verkatehtaankatu 5, Tampere, Pirkanmaa
Beer Bar · 24 tips and reviews

Karri H.Karri Huhtanen: Several good beers and ciders on draughts. Changing craft brewery draughts. Various interesting beers on bottles. Also other beverages such as single malts etc.

O'Hara's Freehouse is one of Karri's Good Beer Places in Tampere, Finland.

5. O'Hara's Freehouse

Hämeenpuisto 17-19 (Satakunnankatu), Tampere, Pirkanmaa
Pub · 9 tips and reviews

Karri H.Karri Huhtanen: Several good beers on draught. Real cider and real beer occasionally available as well as craft beers on draught. Live music. Also single malts etc.

Panimoravintola Plevna is one of Karri's Good Beer Places in Tampere, Finland.

6. Panimoravintola Plevna

Itäinenkatu 8 (Satakunnankatu), Tampere, Pirkanmaa
Brewery · 93 tips and reviews

Karri H.Karri Huhtanen: A german style beer restaurant. This is the place where you can taste all of local (Tampere, Finland) craft brewery (Koskipanimo) beers. Food also available.

O'Connell's is one of Karri's Good Beer Places in Tampere, Finland.

7. O'Connell's

Rautatienkatu 24 (Otavalankatu), Tampere, Pirkanmaa
Irish Pub · 34 tips and reviews

Karri H.Karri Huhtanen: The best Irish pub in Tampere. Several draught beers and ciders as well as regular changing real ale. Also food available, live music and quizzes.

Salhojankadun Pub is one of Karri's Good Beer Places in Tampere, Finland.

8. Salhojankadun Pub

Salhojankatu 29, Tampere, Pirkanmaa
Pub · 14 tips and reviews

Karri H.Karri Huhtanen: The oldest pub in Tampere? A british style pub with several beers on draught and at least on winter time one changing real ale. Only some snacks available, but Tammelantori's Grill is nearby.

Gastropub Praha is one of Karri's Good Beer Places in Tampere, Finland.

9. Gastropub Praha

Itsenäisyydenkatu 11, Tampere, Pirkanmaa
Gastropub · 15 tips and reviews

Karri H.Karri Huhtanen: A Czech style Gastropub. Mainly Czech beers but also one or two changing craft beer draughts. From food, try the goulash.

Tammelantorin Burger is one of Karri's Good Beer Places in Tampere, Finland.

10. Tammelantorin Burger

Tammelantori, Tampere, Pirkanmaa
Burger Joint · 9 tips and reviews

Karri H.Karri Huhtanen: No beer here, but you might want some grill food after tasting those beers in differente places. An old style grill open to very late.

Kievari Kahdet Kasvot is one of Karri's Good Beer Places in Tampere, Finland.

11. Kievari Kahdet Kasvot

Kauppakatu 14, Tampere, Pirkanmaa
Pub · 9 tips and reviews

Karri H.Karri Huhtanen: Several good draught beers. 1-3 changing draughts. A good single malt selection. Specialty is the German beers imported by the pub.

Pub Kultainen Apina is one of Karri's Good Beer Places in Tampere, Finland.

12. Pub Kultainen Apina

Insinöörinkatu 30, Tampere, Pirkanmaa
Pub · Hervanta · 17 tips and reviews

Karri H.Karri Huhtanen: The best pub in Hervanta. Both draught and bottled beers. Possible to order some pizza and kebab. Try this place especially if staying in Hervanta or visiting TUT or Police Academy.

Oluthuone Panimomestari is one of Karri's Good Beer Places in Tampere, Finland.

13. Oluthuone Panimomestari

Tuomiokirkonkatu 15 (Hämeenkatu), Tampere, Pirkanmaa
Beer Bar · 21 tips and reviews

Karri H.Karri Huhtanen: Closest pub to railway station to taste local craft brewery (Koskipanimo) beers. Not so good selection as in Plevna, but closer to railway station for beer traveller.

Teerenpeli is one of Karri's Good Beer Places in Tampere, Finland.

14. Teerenpeli

Hämeenkatu 25, Tampere, Pirkanmaa
Brewery · 21 tips and reviews

Karri H.Karri Huhtanen: Some craft beers and ciders from Teerenpeli brewery chain.