things to do in Vancouver
Ben Thanh is one of things to do in Vancouver.

1. Ben Thanh

57 York St. (Ridout St. N), London, ON
Thai Restaurant · Central London · 34 tips and reviews
The Naam Restaurant is one of things to do in Vancouver.

2. The Naam Restaurant

2724 W 4th Ave (at Stephens St), Vancouver, BC
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · 81 tips and reviews
Eagle Run is one of things to do in Vancouver.

3. Eagle Run

Brackendale, BC
Scenic Lookout · 4 tips and reviews

Glacier AirGlacier Air: Anytime of year there is something to marvel by the river. Eagles soar from Nov to late Jan, majestic. Gorgeous mt. views, animal life abound. Did we mention seals, salmon & sea otters oh my! Magical!

Shannon Falls Provincial Park is one of things to do in Vancouver.

4. Shannon Falls Provincial Park

Highway 99, Squamish, BC
State or Provincial Park · 25 tips and reviews

Glacier AirGlacier Air: Anytime of year Shannon Falls is simply astounding! Get your cameras ready for this beauty. If you are lucky you might even get to see them frozen in winter. Truly magical. Don't miss it.

Zephyr Cafe is one of things to do in Vancouver.

5. Zephyr Cafe

38084 Cleveland Ave. (Winnipeg St), Squamish, BC
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · 12 tips and reviews

RainRain: The Standing Rock breakfast is awesome!!!