Sights in Rīga [by lonelyplanet]
Riga Central Market is one of Sights in Rīga [by lonelyplanet].

1. Riga Central Market

(Rīgas Centrāltirgus)
Nēģu iela 7, Rīga, Riga
Farmers Market · Maskavas forštate · 114 tips and reviews

Arjan T.Arjan Tupan: Visit the meat hall and try to buy a nice piece of lamb, without speaking either Latvian or Russian. It's a lot of fun, and the meat is good.

Lido Atpūtas centrs is one of Sights in Rīga [by lonelyplanet].

2. Lido Atpūtas centrs

Krasta iela 76, Rīga, Riga
Bistro · Maskavas forštate · 263 tips and reviews

In Your PocketIn Your Pocket: Mr. Ķirsons of the LIDO Empire has outdone himself with the biggest buffet of home cookin' this country has ever seen. Read more.

The Ethnographic Open-Air Museum of Latvia is one of Sights in Rīga [by lonelyplanet].

3. The Ethnographic Open-Air Museum of Latvia

(Latvijas Etnogrāfiskais brīvdabas muzejs | The Ethnographic Open-Air Museum of Latvia)
Brīvības gatve 440, Rīga, Riga
Museum · Berģi · 39 tips and reviews

Raimonds_BRaimonds_B: Latvian Ethnographic Open-air museum is one of the eldest outdoor museums in Europe. It was founded in Riga in 1924. It’s situated in the coasts of Juglas lake.

Freedom Monument is one of Sights in Rīga [by lonelyplanet].

4. Freedom Monument

(Brīvības piemineklis)
Brīvības bulvāris (Raiņa bulv.), Rīga, Riga
Monument · Centrs · 45 tips and reviews

Raimonds_BRaimonds_B: The Freedom Monument is a memorial located in Riga, Latvia honoring soldiers killed during the Latvian War of Independence (1918–1920). It is considered an important symbol of the freedom

Pēterbaznīca | Sv. Pētera ev. lut. baznīca is one of Sights in Rīga [by lonelyplanet].

5. Pēterbaznīca | Sv. Pētera ev. lut. baznīca

Skārņu ielā 19, Rīga, Riga
Church · Vecrīga · 77 tips and reviews

DELFIDELFI: 17/11/2000 torni ieņēma divi ar granātu bruņojušies nacionālboļševiki (Krievijas pilsoņi). Izrādijās, ka granāta bija prasts koka gabals. Abus trakuļus arestēja. Pēcāk nopēra pašu tautas tiesneši.

6. The Museum of the Occupation of Latvia

(Latvijas Okupācijas muzejs)
Raiņa bulvāris 7, Rīga, Riga
History Museum · Centrs · 30 tips and reviews

LiveRigaLiveRiga: Have an insight in the Latvian life during the three times when Latvia was occupied. Free entrance.

Swedish Gate is one of Sights in Rīga [by lonelyplanet].

7. Swedish Gate

(Zviedru Vārti (Swedish Gate))
Torņa iela 11, Rīga, Riga
Historic and Protected Site · Vecrīga · 9 tips and reviews

Mareks M.Mareks Matisons [marruciic™]: The Swedish gate is the only one of eight gates of Riga wall, which have remained up to now. Worth to visit!

Līvu Square is one of Sights in Rīga [by lonelyplanet].

8. Līvu Square

(Līvu laukums)
Līvu Laukums, Rīga, Riga
Plaza · Vecrīga · 25 tips and reviews

Travel Out ThereTravel Out There: Its all about the summer for this square, beer gardens sprout like spring leaves and quickly fill with people perfecting the art of watching the world go by

Latvian National Museum of Art is one of Sights in Rīga [by lonelyplanet].

9. Latvian National Museum of Art

(Latvijas Nacionālais mākslas muzejs)
Jaņa Rozentāla laukums 1, Rīga, Riga
Art Museum · Centrs · 26 tips and reviews

LiveRigaLiveRiga: The museum offers one of the best opportunities to witness the development of visual art in Latvia and the Baltics. Always interesting art exhibitions right here!

Rīgas vēstures un kuģniecības muzejs is one of Sights in Rīga [by lonelyplanet].

10. Rīgas vēstures un kuģniecības muzejs

Palasta iela 4, Rīga, Riga
History Museum · Vecrīga · 11 tips and reviews

Armands P.Armands Padrevics: Pirmajā zālē paskaties pa logu uz kustejas pusi paveras bīskapa Alberta statuja.

Town Hall Square is one of Sights in Rīga [by lonelyplanet].

11. Town Hall Square

Kungu iela 3, Rīga, Riga
Plaza · Vecrīga · 30 tips and reviews

Arjan T.Arjan Tupan: Bring your old keys to the treasure chest. A symbolic key will be made from them during the Riga 810 yrs festival.

Dekoratīvās mākslas un dizaina muzejs is one of Sights in Rīga [by lonelyplanet].

12. Dekoratīvās mākslas un dizaina muzejs

Skārņu iela 10/20, Rīga, Riga
Art Museum · Vecrīga · 25 tips and reviews

Laikraksts DienaLaikraksts Diena: No 11.VIII līdz 18.IX žurnāls IzklaideTV iesaka apmeklēt izstādi Katram sava Rīga, kas tapis atzīmējot Rīgas 810.jubileju.Katru ceturtdienu žurnālā informācija par jaunākajiem notikumiem. Read more.

Rīgas Ebreju kopienas nams is one of Sights in Rīga [by lonelyplanet].

13. Rīgas Ebreju kopienas nams

Skolas iela 6, Rīga, Riga
History Museum · Centrs · 1 tip
Sv. Jēkaba Katedrāle is one of Sights in Rīga [by lonelyplanet].

14. Sv. Jēkaba Katedrāle

Jēkaba iela 9, Rīga, Riga
Church · Vecrīga · 6 tips and reviews
Nativity Cathedral is one of Sights in Rīga [by lonelyplanet].

15. Nativity Cathedral

(Rīgas Kristus Piedzimšanas pareizticīgo katedrāle)
Brīvības bulvāris 23, Rīga
Church · Centrs · 10 tips and reviews
House of Blackheads is one of Sights in Rīga [by lonelyplanet].

16. House of Blackheads

(Melngalvju Nams)
Rātslaukums 7, Rīga, Riga
Museum · Vecrīga · 26 tips and reviews

LiveRigaLiveRiga: Did you know that this amazing building was torn down during the WW2, but in 1999 restored exactly as it looked before? See the wonderful ceiling paintings inside!

Riga Castle is one of Sights in Rīga [by lonelyplanet].

17. Riga Castle

(Rīgas pils)
Pils iela 1/3, Rīga, Riga
Castle · Vecrīga · 15 tips and reviews

Mareks M.Mareks Matisons [marruciic™]: Riga Castle is a presidential residence and a National History Museum of Latvia is also located there.

Latvian War Museum is one of Sights in Rīga [by lonelyplanet].

18. Latvian War Museum

(Latvijas Kara muzejs)
Smilšu 20 (Torņa iela), Rīga, Riga
History Museum · Vecrīga · 29 tips and reviews

Boris N.Boris Nikulin: Good museum for boys ;) Not friendly for non latvian speakers - all notes on latvian. Have some text notes on english. On the 2th floor is good collections of army warfare models.