Bar Rosso is one of Venice.

1. Bar Rosso

Dorsoduro 2963, Venezia, Veneto
Wine Bar · Dorsoduro · 28 tips and reviews

Martina M.Martina Minguzzi: Il BAR per eccellenza di Campo S. Margherita, il caffè è buonissimo, fatto con una vecchia macchina tutta in rame.

La Zucca is one of Venice.

2. La Zucca

Sest. S. Croce, 1762 (Calle Larga), Venezia, Veneto
Italian Restaurant · 113 tips and reviews

Martina M.Martina Minguzzi: Fresh ingredients and special flavours for this little restaurant with small tables and a lovely atmosphere. Better to call for booking, there are no more than 12 tables!

alla Poppa is one of Venice.

3. alla Poppa

Santa Croce 1539
Bar · 7 tips and reviews

Martina M.Martina Minguzzi: Jazz music, dark lights, live music on wednesday. They have also something good to eat.

Timon is one of Venice.

4. Timon

Cannaregio 2754, Venezia, Veneto
Wine Bar · Cannaregio · 86 tips and reviews

Martina M.Martina Minguzzi: if you want to eat special meat, it's here you have to go! Also try the cocktail BACCO: delicious!

Il Paradiso Perduto is one of Venice.

5. Il Paradiso Perduto

Cannaregio, 2540 (Fondamenta de la Misericordia), Venezia, Veneto
Italian Restaurant · Cannaregio · 224 tips and reviews

Martina M.Martina Minguzzi: Great fish restaurant, very easy, with live music usually on monday. Shall you wanna dance a bit? Then go there and enjoy the atmosphere!

Pasticceria Tonolo is one of Venice.

6. Pasticceria Tonolo

Dorsoduro 3764 (Crosera), Venezia, Veneto
Pastry Shop · San Polo · 100 tips and reviews

Martina M.Martina Minguzzi: Great bakery, there are no tables to seat but it doesn't matter, it's too delicious!

Parco di Villa Groggia is one of Venice.

7. Parco di Villa Groggia

Cannaregio 3161, Venezia, Veneto
Park · Cannaregio · 3 tips and reviews

Martina M.Martina Minguzzi: Want to relax and hide from everyone? In this little parc there are only local familier with children, and it's very calm and quite.

Peggy Guggenheim Collection is one of Venice.

8. Peggy Guggenheim Collection

(Collezione Peggy Guggenheim)
Dorsoduro 701, Venezia, Veneto
Art Museum · Dorsoduro · 150 tips and reviews

Martina M.Martina Minguzzi: You can skip the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, unique in the world!

Palazzo Grassi is one of Venice.

9. Palazzo Grassi

Campo San Samuele 3231, Venezia, Veneto
Art Gallery · San Marco · 32 tips and reviews

Martina M.Martina Minguzzi: Everytime some interesting exposition! Great location.

Campo San Giacomo da l'Orio is one of Venice.

10. Campo San Giacomo da l'Orio

Campo San Giacomo dell'Orio, Venezia, Veneto
Plaza · 17 tips and reviews

Martina M.Martina Minguzzi: Wonderful Campo in Venice, with restaurants, some plants and flowers, special atmosphere.

11. CFZ - Cultural Flow Zone

Dorsoduro 1392 (Zattere al Pontelongo), Venezia, Veneto
College Library · Dorsoduro · 7 tips and reviews

Martina M.Martina Minguzzi: If you have to study!

Zattere is one of Venice.

12. Zattere

Zattere (Dorsoduro), Venezia, Veneto
Scenic Lookout · Dorsoduro · 29 tips and reviews

Martina M.Martina Minguzzi: The long walk till Punta della Dogana is wonderful at the sunset or even early in the morning. The only place where you can do some jogging!

13. Gam Gam

Cannaregio, 1122, Venezia, Veneto
Middle Eastern Restaurant · Cannaregio · 46 tips and reviews

Martina M.Martina Minguzzi: The only KOSHER restaurant in Venise, if you're not familiar with this kind of food, ask them for a piece of advice! Kind and polite staff!

Ae Oche is one of Venice.

14. Ae Oche

Dorsoduro, 1414 (Zattere), Venezia, Veneto
Pizzeria · Dorsoduro · 33 tips and reviews

Martina M.Martina Minguzzi: If you want to eat a good pizza, even made with *kamut for intollerant people!

Bottega del Caffè Dersut is one of Venice.

15. Bottega del Caffè Dersut

San Polo, 3017, Venezia, Veneto
Café · San Polo · 21 tips and reviews

Martina M.Martina Minguzzi: Coffee, even special ones with noisette and cocco... some bakery and also smoothies. Not many tables to seat. They also have SOJA instead of milk if you're allergic to milk!

Campiello Barbaro is one of Venice.

16. Campiello Barbaro

Plaza · Dorsoduro · 4 tips and reviews

Martina M.Martina Minguzzi: Also Woody Allen chose that special place for a scene... anyway it's one of the most romantic place in Venise, and just close to P. Guggenheim Collection.

Cinema Giorgione is one of Venice.

17. Cinema Giorgione

Cannaregio 4612 (Rio Terà dei Franceschi), Venezia, Veneto
Movie Theater · Cannaregio · 3 tips and reviews
SEPHORA is one of Venice.


Sestiere Cannaregio 5783, Venezia, Veneto
Cosmetics Store · Cannaregio · 5 tips and reviews

Martina M.Martina Minguzzi: You always need something from Sephora!

19. Cinema Rossini

Calle De La Verona (Calle Della Mandola), Venezia, Veneto
Movie Theater · San Marco · 4 tips and reviews

Martina M.Martina Minguzzi: the newest cinema in Venice!

Bacareto da Lele is one of Venice.

20. Bacareto da Lele

Fondamenta Tolentini, Venezia, Veneto
Sandwich Spot · 136 tips and reviews

Martina M.Martina Minguzzi: The original BACARO in Venice, open till 8 pm.

21. Botegon

Via degli Organari 20, Camino al Tagliamento, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Café · 2 tips and reviews

Martina M.Martina Minguzzi: Bacaro with a wide choice of food and wine, near Zattere.

Osteria Al Squero is one of Venice.

22. Osteria Al Squero

Dorsoduro 944, Venezia, Veneto
Wine Bar · Dorsoduro · 76 tips and reviews

Martina M.Martina Minguzzi: Wines and food made with excellent ingredients.