tempat nongki geng temponok
Kedai Kopi Espresso Bar babarsari is one of tempat nongki geng temponok.

1. Kedai Kopi Espresso Bar babarsari

Ruko babarsari no 14-15, Depok, DI Yogyakarta
Coffee Shop · 20 tips and reviews
The House of Raminten is one of tempat nongki geng temponok.

2. The House of Raminten

Jalan Faridan Muridan Noto No. 7 (Kotabaru), Yogyakarta, DI Yogyakarta
Javanese Restaurant · 623 tips and reviews
Omah Stovia is one of tempat nongki geng temponok.

3. Omah Stovia

Jl. Langenastran lor no.16 (Jl. Gamelan), Jogja, DI Yogyakarta
Café · 9 tips and reviews
TATA Snacks and Drinks is one of tempat nongki geng temponok.

4. TATA Snacks and Drinks

Jl. Urip Sumoharjo (Depan Empire XXI), Yogyakarta, DI Yogyakarta
Ice Cream Parlor · 4 tips and reviews
Warung Kopi Semesta is one of tempat nongki geng temponok.

5. Warung Kopi Semesta

Jalan Abu Bakar Ali No. 2 (Kotabaru), Yogyakarta, DI Yogyakarta
Coffee Shop · 225 tips and reviews
"Aduhai" Depot Masakan Banjar is one of tempat nongki geng temponok.

6. "Aduhai" Depot Masakan Banjar

Jalan K.H. Wachid Hasyim (Depok), Sleman, DI Yogyakarta
Indonesian Restaurant · 4 tips and reviews
coffeesophia is one of tempat nongki geng temponok.

7. coffeesophia

jl. Wahid Hasyim, Yogyakarta, DI Yogyakarta
Coffee Shop · 3 tips and reviews
Kopikita is one of tempat nongki geng temponok.

8. Kopikita

Coffee Shop · 5 tips and reviews
Kalimilk Seturan is one of tempat nongki geng temponok.

9. Kalimilk Seturan

Jalan Perumnas Seturan (Caturtunggal, Depok), Yogyakarta, DI Yogyakarta
Café · 120 tips and reviews
Waroeng Goeboek is one of tempat nongki geng temponok.

10. Waroeng Goeboek

Jl. Prof. Yohanes No.1 (SPBU Sagan), Sagan, DI Yogyakarta
Asian Restaurant · 21 tips and reviews
Lesehan Nasi Uduk "Mas Feri" is one of tempat nongki geng temponok.

11. Lesehan Nasi Uduk "Mas Feri"

Jl. Babarsari (Babarsari), Depok, DI Yogyakarta
Food Truck · 9 tips and reviews
Legend Coffee is one of tempat nongki geng temponok.

12. Legend Coffee

Jalan Abu Bakar Ali No.24 (Kotabaru), Yogyakarta, DI Yogyakarta
Café · 208 tips and reviews