Cafetería Librería Ubik Café is one of Valencia.

1. Cafetería Librería Ubik Café

Calle del Literato Azorín, 13 (Sueca), València, Comunitat Valenciana
Coffee Shop · Russafa · 71 tips and reviews

Mish and RobMish and Rob: A great "morning to night" place with a lovely atmosphere. Coffee, menu del dia, soft drinks, wine...

Casel•la is one of Valencia.

2. Casel•la

Conde de Altea, 17, València, Comunitat Valenciana
Restaurant · 15 tips and reviews

Mish and RobMish and Rob: We went on a Sunday and had a faaantastic menu del dia for lunch. Huge portions, great quality, good prices and lovely service.

Casa Montaña is one of Valencia.

3. Casa Montaña

C. José Benlliure, 69, València, Comunitat Valenciana
Spanish Restaurant · El Cabanyal-El Canyamelar · 141 tips and reviews

Mish and RobMish and Rob: Beautiful little tapas restaurant near the beach; v.reasonable given the amazing quality. We had fava beans, marinated tuna, grilled sardines, mussels, eggs, & bread, with vermouth. €34. All amazing.

Jardí del Túria - Antiguo cauce tramos X y XI is one of Valencia.

4. Jardí del Túria - Antiguo cauce tramos X y XI

Av. Jacinto Benavente (Pg. Alameda), València, Comunitat Valenciana
Garden · Mestalla · 60 tips and reviews
casa botella is one of Valencia.

5. casa botella

pintor salvador abril, 28, València, Comunitat Valenciana
Spanish Restaurant · Russafa · 6 tips and reviews

Mish and RobMish and Rob: Go here for a menu del dia! Amazing value and perfect food. The lovely owner really takes pride in how everything is cooked from scratch.

Las Cuevas is one of Valencia.

6. Las Cuevas

Pl. Cisneros 2 (Carrer Nàquera), València, Comunitat Valenciana
Spanish Restaurant · Ciutat Vella · 15 tips and reviews

Mish and RobMish and Rob: Sit outside in a beautiful square to enjoy great tapas. Apparently it gets very busy at night, but during the day you can almost have the square to yourself.

Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía is one of Valencia.

7. Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía

Av. del Professor López Piñero, 1, València, Comunitat Valenciana
Opera House · 41 tips and reviews
Malvarrosa Beach is one of Valencia.

8. Malvarrosa Beach

(Platja de la Malva-rosa)
Carrer de Pavia, València, Comunitat Valenciana
Beach · 119 tips and reviews
Café de las Horas is one of Valencia.

9. Café de las Horas

C. Conde de Almodóvar, 1, València, Comunitat Valenciana
Coffee Shop · Ciutat Vella · 71 tips and reviews

Mish and RobMish and Rob: Stunning inside, but with outdoor seating too. We had the best white wine we've ever tasted, as well as delicious Agua de Valencia. (You need to buy a jug of A de V - you can't just get a glass.)

El Desvan Del Cafe is one of Valencia.

10. El Desvan Del Cafe

C/Puerto Rico 4, València, Comunitat Valenciana
Café · Russafa · 14 tips and reviews

Mish and RobMish and Rob: Deliciously cute place, with the friendliest staff around. They put a LOT of wine in your glass!

Cafe Berlín is one of Valencia.

11. Cafe Berlín

Carrer de Cadis, 22-24, València, Comunitat Valenciana
Café · Russafa · 81 tips and reviews

Mish and RobMish and Rob: Cute little cafe that probably becomes way cooler late at night. We arrived at about 7pm for a drink, and it was very quiet (in a good way): perfect for reading, chatting or working.

La Más Bonita Ruzafa is one of Valencia.

12. La Más Bonita Ruzafa

Carrer Cádiz, 61 (entre Reina Na Maria i Matíes Perelló), València, Comunitat Valenciana
Dessert Shop · Russafa · 66 tips and reviews

Mish and RobMish and Rob: We haven't tried the amazing-looking cakes (yet), but we still love this place. It's cute, beautifully decorated, and a great place for work (the wifi's great) with a coffee.

Tasia is one of Valencia.

13. Tasia

València, Comunitat Valenciana
Snack Place · Russafa · 7 tips and reviews

Mish and RobMish and Rob: Such a cute little cafe with outdoor seating as well as really pretty (and comfy) indoor seating. Bocadillo lunch (w/potatoes, salad, dessert + drink) for €8.50 was delicious.

El Café De Las Maravillas is one of Valencia.

14. El Café De Las Maravillas

Cádiz 94, València, Comunitat Valenciana
Café · Russafa · 18 tips and reviews

Mish and RobMish and Rob: Practically empty during the day (when we went, anyway), making it a great spot to work from. Free wifi, great music (VH1 pop!) and lovely staff.

Café O'clock is one of Valencia.

15. Café O'clock

C. Chiva, 1 (Mariano Ribera), València, Comunitat Valenciana
Café · Patraix · 17 tips and reviews

Mish and RobMish and Rob: A fun, local place with really lovely staff, great wifi and comfy seats. Not the most hipster place you'll ever visit, but that's not necessarily a bad thing!

Stiletto is one of Valencia.

16. Stiletto

C/ Cádiz 36, València, Comunitat Valenciana
Spanish Restaurant · Russafa · 3 tips and reviews

Mish and RobMish and Rob: A real "local's local". A glass of wine costs €1, everyone's super friendly and local, the TV plays sports (unlike most bars we've found), and the atmosphere's lovely. Not touched by many tourists.