
1. Runnie's

Calle 47 Nº 755 (esq. 10), La Plata, Buenos Aires
Café · 73 tips and reviews

OJ B.OJ Brat: Runnie's? Seriously?

2. Wilkenny Irish Pub & Restaurant

Calle 11 (Esq. 50), La Plata, Buenos Aires
Irish Pub · 50 tips and reviews

OJ B.OJ Brat: Remember knocking back 37 pints of Guinness during its glory days. That was then, now I'm not even sure if they serve Guinness. Then again, I don't frequent the place that often. Convenient free wifi.

Chiche Joya is one of Argentina.

3. Chiche Joya

22 E/ 60 Y 61, La Plata, Buenos Aires
Restaurant · 2 tips and reviews

OJ B.OJ Brat: Cool neighborhood restaurant with fantastic service. The Campari rocked my socks off. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Wifi: gatoalfonso

Market Cafe is one of Argentina.

4. Market Cafe

Diagonal 74 (48), La Plata, Buenos Aires
Coffee Shop · 19 tips and reviews

OJ B.OJ Brat: Au contraire to many of the previous comments here. I found the service efficient and the food tasty. Recommendable.

Floyd is one of Argentina.

5. Floyd

48 (Diagonal 74), La Plata, Buenos Aires
Pool Hall · 4 tips and reviews

OJ B.OJ Brat: Best place in town for bar fights with the locals. Large jars of cerveza and plenty of cheap booze. Ah, and I believe you can play pool here too 🕵

SHOUT | Brasas & Drinks is one of Argentina.

6. SHOUT | Brasas & Drinks

Maipú 981 (esq. Marcelo T. de Alvear), Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires C.F.
Cocktail Bar · Retiro · 59 tips and reviews

OJ B.OJ Brat: Prepare to shout, literally. Music played at this place is so loud you can barely hear your own thoughts, little less the service staff. But fear not, the food is delicious, lovely aroma of brasas.

Brandon is one of Argentina.

7. Brandon

Fitz Roy 1722 (e/ El Salvador y Honduras), Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires C.F.
Restaurant · Palermo Viejo · 169 tips and reviews

OJ B.OJ Brat: I dug this place. Great ambience, attentive service and most important of all, the food rocked my socks. Found it funny that the spicy chicken wasn't spicy though. However, twas good!

Parrilla Don Julio is one of Argentina.

8. Parrilla Don Julio

Guatemala 4691 (esq. Gurruchaga), Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires C.F.
Argentinian Restaurant · Palermo Viejo · 632 tips and reviews

OJ B.OJ Brat: Oh man, Don Julio, you the man. Had my favorite cut here, tira de asado. Don Julio has obviously prepped tira de asado before. Ok, the chef might not be called Don Julio but this place is kick ass!!!

9. Club Atenas

Av. 13 Nº 1267 (e/ Calle 58 y 59), La Plata, Buenos Aires
Social Club · 33 tips and reviews

OJ B.OJ Brat: Uh huh! Built up a major meat sweat here. That's because it's good. Very good. Ah, the portions are huge, I could have sworn I saw a kid being devoured by a milanesa. Yeah, that happened.

A Rienda Suelta is one of Argentina.

10. A Rienda Suelta

calle 10 456 (41), La Plata, Buenos Aires
Argentinian Restaurant · 29 tips and reviews

OJ B.OJ Brat: Oh yeah...I dug. Fantastic value. Beautifully prepared meat al asador accompanied by some smooth Malbec. How can you go wrong? Yeah that's right, you can't.

Rimbaud is one of Argentina.

11. Rimbaud

Calle 50 Nº 746 (e/ 9 y 10), La Plata, Buenos Aires
Tapas Restaurant · 30 tips and reviews

OJ B.OJ Brat: Excellent service. Nice music and ambience (except the toilet smell). Over cooked pasta with absolutely no taste. Might as well have had a bolognese smoothie. Euwww. Good flan.

Sudestada is one of Argentina.

12. Sudestada

Guatemala 5602 (esq. Fitz Roy), Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires C.F.
Thai Restaurant · Palermo Viejo · 97 tips and reviews
Ølsen is one of Argentina.

13. Ølsen

Gorriti 5870 (e/ Angel J. Carranza y Dr. Emilio Ravignani), Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires C.F.
Scandinavian Restaurant · Palermo Viejo · 332 tips and reviews