Vegan friendly in Iceland
Gló Laugavegi is one of Vegan friendly in Iceland.

1. Gló Laugavegi

Laugavegur 20b, Reykjavík, Höfuðborgarsvæði
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · Miðborg · 64 tips and reviews

Ragnar F.Ragnar Freyr: Daily raw vegan plates. Great food!

Grænn Kostur is one of Vegan friendly in Iceland.

2. Grænn Kostur

Skólavörðustígur 8b, Reykjavík, Höfuðborgarsvæðið
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · Miðborg · 14 tips and reviews

Ragnar F.Ragnar Freyr: Vegetarian mostly but they have some vegan plates. Some sauces might not be vegan.

Núðluskálin is one of Vegan friendly in Iceland.

3. Núðluskálin

Skólavörðustígur 8, Reykjavík, Höfuðborgarsvæði
Noodle Restaurant · Miðborg · 28 tips and reviews

Ragnar F.Ragnar Freyr: All base dishes are vegan. You can ask for tofu instead of meat and pick your own vegetables and spices.

Serrano (N1 Hringbraut) is one of Vegan friendly in Iceland.

4. Serrano (N1 Hringbraut)

Hringbraut, Reykjavík, Höfuðborgarsvæði
Burrito Restaurant · Miðborg · 11 tips and reviews

Ragnar F.Ragnar Freyr: Great burritos. The menu lists everything that is vegan with V.

Nings is one of Vegan friendly in Iceland.

5. Nings

Suðurlandsbraut 6 (Hallarmúli), Reykjavík, Höfuðborgarsvæði
Asian Restaurant · Háaleiti · 18 tips and reviews

Ragnar F.Ragnar Freyr: You can order tofu with lots of different sauces. The satay sauce is vegan. Comes with vegatables and rice.

C is for Cookie is one of Vegan friendly in Iceland.

6. C is for Cookie

Týsgata 8, Reykjavík, Höfuðborgarsvæðið
Café · Miðborg · 38 tips and reviews

Ragnar F.Ragnar Freyr: The have a vegan carrot cake. (At least the told me it's vegan. It tasted nice.

Silva Hráfæði is one of Vegan friendly in Iceland.

7. Silva Hráfæði

Syðra Laugaland Efra, Eyjafjarðarsveit, Norðurland Eystra
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · 3 tips and reviews

Ragnar F.Ragnar Freyr: Open 1st of june to 31st of August. Haven't been here but it's all raw. :D

Gamla Síam is one of Vegan friendly in Iceland.

8. Gamla Síam

Laugavegur 182, Reykjavík, Höfuðborgarsvæði
Thai Restaurant · Holt · 3 tips and reviews

Ragnar F.Ragnar Freyr: Two vegetarian plates on the menu. Both are vegan to my best of knowledge. Lots of food. Pretty good.

Pítan is one of Vegan friendly in Iceland.

9. Pítan

Skipholt 50c (Brautarholt), Reykjavík, Höfuðborgarsvæði
Burger Joint · Holt · 12 tips and reviews

Ragnar F.Ragnar Freyr: Get the vegetarian pita minus the sauce. Ask them to put salsa on it instead. It's good.

Serrano is one of Vegan friendly in Iceland.

10. Serrano

Borgartún 8-16, Reykjavík, Höfuðborgarsvæði
Burrito Restaurant · Tún · 8 tips and reviews

Ragnar F.Ragnar Freyr: Great burritos. The menu lists everything that is vegan with V.

Saffran is one of Vegan friendly in Iceland.

11. Saffran

Glæsibær, Reykjavík, Höfuðborgarsvæði
Middle Eastern Restaurant · Heimar · 39 tips and reviews

Ragnar F.Ragnar Freyr: Pizzas can be had as vegan. You're going to have a hard time ordering it though. Ask for the pesto to be remowed. It contains cheese.

Café Babalú is one of Vegan friendly in Iceland.

12. Café Babalú

Skólavörðustígur 22a, Reykjavík, Höfuðborgarsvæði
Café · Miðborg · 157 tips and reviews

Ragnar F.Ragnar Freyr: They've got vegan carrot cake.

Kryddlegin Hjörtu is one of Vegan friendly in Iceland.

13. Kryddlegin Hjörtu

Skúlagötu 17, Reykjavík, Höfuðborgarsvæði
Salad Restaurant · Miðborg · 6 tips and reviews

Ragnar F.Ragnar Freyr: The buffet has a lot of good vegan food but it's a real hassle to have to ask what is and what is not.

Salt Café & Bistro is one of Vegan friendly in Iceland.

14. Salt Café & Bistro

Miðvangur 2 (Þjóðvegur), Egilsstaðir, Austurland
Coffee Shop · 29 tips and reviews

Ragnar F.Ragnar Freyr: You can get a nice vegan pizza here if you ask.