Ghost Hunting in the Berkshires USA
Hoosac Tunnel is one of Ghost Hunting in the Berkshires USA.

1. Hoosac Tunnel

North Adams, MA
Rail Station · 3 tips and reviews

Robert B.Robert Burke: Hoosac Tunnel, a.k.a. "Bloody Pit" More than 200 men died from explosions, fires, tunnel collapses. But the murder which occurred in 1865, gave the tunnel it's reputation.

The Mount is one of Ghost Hunting in the Berkshires USA.

2. The Mount

2 Plunkett Stree (Route 7), Lenox, MA
Museum · 15 tips and reviews

Robert B.Robert Burke: The Lenox estate of famed author Edith Wharton, takes pride in its haunted status and offers Friday Night Fright Tours through October 26

Balance Rock State Park is one of Ghost Hunting in the Berkshires USA.

3. Balance Rock State Park

Balance Rock Rd, Lanesboro, MA
State or Provincial Park · 2 tips and reviews