Best Downtown Lunch Deals
MeMa's Old-Fashion Bakery is one of Best Downtown Lunch Deals.

1. MeMa's Old-Fashion Bakery

1360 Walnut St (btwn E 13th & 14th St), Kansas City, MO
Bakery · 8 tips and reviews

Sarah W.Sarah Wood: You can't beat Taco Tuesday -- 65 cent tacos!

Ingredient is one of Best Downtown Lunch Deals.

2. Ingredient

1111 Main St (at Main St.), Kansas City, MO
Breakfast Spot · 14 tips and reviews

Sarah W.Sarah Wood: $5.00 pizzas on Wednesday! These pizzas are big enough for two. You can't be lunch for under $3.

H&R Block Corporate Headquarters is one of Best Downtown Lunch Deals.

3. H&R Block Corporate Headquarters

1 H and R Block Way (at 13th & Main St), Kansas City, MO
Financial Service · 14 tips and reviews

Sarah W.Sarah Wood: There is a caffeteria on the main floor of this building. The salad bar is 40% off on Tuesday and Friday!

McFadden's Sports Saloon is one of Best Downtown Lunch Deals.

4. McFadden's Sports Saloon

1330 Grand Blvd (btwn E 13th & 14th St), Kansas City, MO
Sports Bar · 43 tips and reviews

Sarah W.Sarah Wood: 1/2 Price Burgers on Wednesdays!