Movies, movies and more movies..
Circuito Saladearte (Cinema do Museu) is one of Movies, movies and more movies...

1. Circuito Saladearte (Cinema do Museu)

Av. 7 de Setembro (Museu Geológico), Salvador, BA
Indie Movie Theater · Vitória · 38 tips and reviews

Shade A.Shade Andréa: Sit in chairs on the right side of the room. The screen is more tilted towards you ..

UCI Orient Paralela is one of Movies, movies and more movies...

2. UCI Orient Paralela

Shopping Paralela (Piso L2, lj 222), Salvador, BA
Movie Theater · Patamares · 122 tips and reviews

Shade A.Shade Andréa: When you mark the place where to sit, do not choose the side of the front row! The retaining wall is so high that you can not see the screen.

Sala de Arte - UFBA is one of Movies, movies and more movies...

3. Sala de Arte - UFBA

Av. Reitor Miguel Calmon, s/n. (Pavilhão de Aulas da Canela - PAC), Salvador, BA
Indie Movie Theater · Graça · 42 tips and reviews

Shade A.Shade Andréa: The chairs are simple and old. Be careful when moving. During the week there are free sessions, find out!

Circuito Sala de Arte - Cine Vivo is one of Movies, movies and more movies...

4. Circuito Sala de Arte - Cine Vivo

R. Rubens Guelli, 135 (Shopping Paseo Itaigara), Salvador, BA
Indie Movie Theater · Itaigara · 36 tips and reviews

Shade A.Shade Andréa: Sit in chairs in the corner or back of the room. The theater is small and not all films are a suitable distance.

SaladeArte is one of Movies, movies and more movies...

5. SaladeArte

R. Frei Vicente, 12/14, Salvador, BA
Indie Movie Theater · Centro Histórico · 8 tips and reviews

Shade A.Shade Andréa: The chairs are simple and old. Be careful when moving. During the week there are the cheapest sessions, find out!

UCI is one of Movies, movies and more movies...

6. UCI

Av. Otavio Mangabeira, 6000 Boca do Rio, Salvador, BA
Movie Theater · Boca do Rio · 31 tips and reviews
Espaço Itaú de Cinema is one of Movies, movies and more movies...

7. Espaço Itaú de Cinema

Pç. Castro Alves, s/n, Salvador, BA
Movie Theater · Centro Histórico · 132 tips and reviews

Shade A.Shade Andréa: Sit in chairs on the right side of the room. The screen is more tilted towards you.. During the week there are free sessions, find out!

Cinemark is one of Movies, movies and more movies...

8. Cinemark

Salvador Shopping (Piso L3, Lj. 3005), Salvador, BA
Movie Theater · Caminho das Árvores · 269 tips and reviews
Cinépolis is one of Movies, movies and more movies...

10. Cinépolis

Salvador Norte Shopping, Salvador, BA
Movie Theater · São Cristóvão · 134 tips and reviews