Explore Nizhny Novgorod with ŠKODA
Набережная Федоровского is one of Explore Nizhny Novgorod with ŠKODA.

1. Набережная Федоровского

наб. Федоровского, Нижний Новгород, Нижегородская обл.
Scenic Lookout · 72 tips and reviews

ŠKODA AUTO - CAREERŠKODA AUTO - CAREER: Visible at any time of the day and illuminated at night Fedorovsky Embankment offers a complete view of the oldest part of Nizhny Novgorod, which makes it the best spot for taking photographs.

Большая Покровская улица is one of Explore Nizhny Novgorod with ŠKODA.

2. Большая Покровская улица

Большая Покровская ул., Нижний Новгород, Нижегородская обл.
Road · 90 tips and reviews

ŠKODA AUTO - CAREERŠKODA AUTO - CAREER: Close to Kremlin and Volga, river Bolshaia Pokrovskaia Street represents the main pedestrian street of Nizhny Novgorod. It offers many restaurants, bars, different monuments and souvenir shops.

Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin is one of Explore Nizhny Novgorod with ŠKODA.

3. Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin

(Нижегородский кремль)
Нижний Новгород, Нижегородская обл.
Historic and Protected Site · 133 tips and reviews

ŠKODA AUTO - CAREERŠKODA AUTO - CAREER: You better reserve couple of hours for your visit since the fortress has much to offer. Namely a WW2 exhibition, an orthodox church, art museum and a beautiful panorama of Oka and Volga junction.

Нижегородский государственный академический театр оперы и балета имени А. С. Пушкина is one of Explore Nizhny Novgorod with ŠKODA.

4. Нижегородский государственный академический театр оперы и балета имени А. С. Пушкина

ул. Белинского, 59, Нижний Новгород, Нижегородская обл.
Opera House · 27 tips and reviews

ŠKODA AUTO - CAREERŠKODA AUTO - CAREER: Easy to reach from anywhere in the old city and definitely a must see for all the ballet and opera fans. Tickets are sold at the box office everyday from 9am to 5pm, including weekends.

Minin and Pozharsky Square is one of Explore Nizhny Novgorod with ŠKODA.

5. Minin and Pozharsky Square

(Площадь Минина и Пожарского)
пл. Минина и Пожарского, Нижний Новгород, Нижегородская обл.
Plaza · 65 tips and reviews

ŠKODA AUTO - CAREERŠKODA AUTO - CAREER: This venue hosts all the big events and festivals that take place in the city. It gets particularly beautiful when lit up at night.

Музей истории ГАЗ is one of Explore Nizhny Novgorod with ŠKODA.

6. Музей истории ГАЗ

Автозавод ГАЗ (просп. Ленина, 95), Нижний Новгород, Нижегородская обл.
History Museum · 22 tips and reviews

ŠKODA AUTO - CAREERŠKODA AUTO - CAREER: Unlike ŠKODA, Gorky Automobile Plant (GAZ) has focused on utility vehicles such as trucks and buses. The exposition maps history of this industrial legend from its beginnings in 1932 to present.

Собор Александра Невского is one of Explore Nizhny Novgorod with ŠKODA.

7. Собор Александра Невского

ул. Стрелка, 15, Нижний Новгород, Нижегородская обл.
Church · 12 tips and reviews

ŠKODA AUTO - CAREERŠKODA AUTO - CAREER: Saint Alexander-Nevsky Cathedral with its 80 meters is the highest sacral building in Nizhny Novgorod. It was built in memory of the Emperor Alexander II., who visited the city.