Several pieces around LES, Williamsburg, and Brooklyn where Banksy has added "The Musical" to existing graffiti. Part of his month long Better Out Than In NYC residency Read more.
Several pieces around LES and Brooklyn where Banksy has added "The Musical" to existing graffiti. Part of his month long Better Out Than In NYC residency. Update - Its been painted over. Read more.
Several pieces around Brooklyn and LES where Banksy has added "The Musical" to existing graffiti. Part of his month long Better Out Than In NYC residency Read more.
Banksy has transformed an inconspicuous NYC delivery truck (a '92 GMC) into a rolling oasis with waterfalls and butterflies at a new location every night during BOTI. 18006564271 #3 for more info Read more.
Banky's seventh piece in BOTI is a single floating heart covered in band aids which, according to Banky's audio guide, is "obviously an iconic representation of the battle to survive a broken heart" Read more.
If you want to see the 10th piece in Banksy's BOTI, you'll most likely need to pay the local residents, who are keeping it covered with a piece of cardboard. $5 to view, $20 for a photo Read more.
A slaughterhouse delivery truck touring the meatpacking district and then citywide for the next two weeks. Read more.
Banksy says, "Everything but the kitchen Sphinx. A 1/36 scale replica of the great Sphinx of Giza made from smashed cinderblocks.You're advised not to drink the replica Arab spring water." Read more.