1. Rocknest

La Cañada Flintridge, CA
Other Great Outdoors · 1 tip

Mars CuriosityMars Curiosity: If you haven't used your sampling system since you left Earth, be sure to rinse and spit Mars soil samples at least three times before beginning any experiments.

2. Gale Crater

La Cañada Flintridge, CA
Other Great Outdoors · 2 tips and reviews

Mars CuriosityMars Curiosity: Mars is cold, dry and rocky. Extra moisturizer and sturdy shoes would be a good idea, plus oxygen for those of you who breathe.

3. Gale Crater

La Cañada Flintridge, CA
Other Great Outdoors · 2 tips and reviews

Mars CuriosityMars Curiosity: Wish you weighed less? Visit the Red Planet. Because Mars is so much smaller, its gravity makes you weigh only 3/8 what you do on Earth.