Вернисаж is one of Moscow.

1. Вернисаж

Измайловское ш., 73Ж, Москва, Москва
Flea Market · Измайлово · 67 tips and reviews

Tigran K.Tigran Kostanyan: Situated on the outskirts of Moscow, but worth the trip to browse the huge amount of traditional souvenirs: Matreshka and Russian doll, Soviet era items, khokhloma, icons and more. Prices favorable.

Вокруг света is one of Moscow.

2. Вокруг света

Никольская ул., 10, Москва, Москва
Food Court · Китай-город · 170 tips and reviews

Tigran K.Tigran Kostanyan: A gastronomic complex of 24 restaurants and cafes. Located in the heart of Moscow, here you can not only taste dishes from different cuisines but also buy the freshest farm products and ingredients.

GUM is one of Moscow.

3. GUM

Красная пл., 3, Москва, Москва
Shopping Mall · Китай-город · 1024 tips and reviews

Tigran K.Tigran Kostanyan: A spectacular shopping mall with a glass roof, gastronomy #1 and the grand scale of worldwide famous brands. Even if you're not a shopaholic, stroll around with a cone of yummy ice cream.

Evropeisky Mall is one of Moscow.

4. Evropeisky Mall

(ТРЦ «Европейский»)
пл. Киевского Вокзала, 2, Москва, Москва
Shopping Mall · Дорогомилово · 926 tips and reviews

Tigran K.Tigran Kostanyan: The mall is divided into “atriums”: the central one is “Moscow”, others are “Berlin”, “Rome”, “Paris”, “London”. You can wander here forever. So, if you like thoughtful purchases, this is the place.

Biblio-Globus is one of Moscow.

5. Biblio-Globus

Мясницкая ул., 6/3, стр. 1, Москва, Москва
Bookstore · Басманный · 520 tips and reviews

Tigran K.Tigran Kostanyan: Oldest, largest bookshop in Moscow. Extensive sections with books, maps, classics and textbooks. Various seminars and book presentations take place here. Enjoy a drink or snack in the cafe downstairs.

Central Children's Store is one of Moscow.

6. Central Children's Store

(Центральный детский магазин)
Театральный пр., 5/1 (Лубянская пл.), Москва, Москва
Shopping Mall · Мещанский · 387 tips and reviews

Tigran K.Tigran Kostanyan: This iconic toy store offers entertainment and so much more for the little ones. Meanwhile, adults won't get bored at all. Giant clock, marble staircase and TOYS, TOYS, TOYS for we're all kids inside.

Елисеевский is one of Moscow.

7. Елисеевский

Тверская ул., 14, Москва, Москва
Gourmet Store · Тверской · 171 tips and reviews

Tigran K.Tigran Kostanyan: Not just a grocery store but a historical and cultural monument of Moscow. Huge crystal chandeliers in the form of grapes, painted walls, and here, unlike museums, you can touch and taste.

Императорский Фарфор is one of Moscow.

8. Императорский Фарфор

Мясницкая ул., 40, Москва, Москва
Antique Store · Басманный · 7 tips and reviews

Tigran K.Tigran Kostanyan: In the bright hall there are works made at the St. Petersburg Imperial Porcelain Factory. The exact copies that decorated the tables of the sovereign palaces a century ago and modern works of art.

Central Market is one of Moscow.

9. Central Market

(Центральный рынок)
Рождественский бул., 1 (Трубная пл.), Москва, Москва
Market · Мещанский · 157 tips and reviews

Tigran K.Tigran Kostanyan: The site has several large dairy departments, an Italian shop with excellent burrata, a department of sausages, meat and large counters with greens, vegetables, fruits. Food court with over 30 cafes.

Arbat Street is one of Moscow.

10. Arbat Street

ул. Арбат, Москва, Москва
Road · Хамовники · 364 tips and reviews

Tigran K.Tigran Kostanyan: A living, constantly changing space. The street is lined with souvenir stalls, tourist kiosks and street performers. Take a chance and turn on any side street leading to the famous Hard Rock Cafe.

Чай-кофе is one of Moscow.

11. Чай-кофе

Мясницкая ул., 19, Москва, Москва
Food and Beverage Retail · Красносельский · 55 tips and reviews

Tigran K.Tigran Kostanyan: In this house, one can find the rarest sorts of tea and coffee. It offers over 800 kinds of tea and more than 300 varieties of coffee. Tastings are held here regularly and there is also a pastry shop.

Chaynaya Vysota Gelateria Teahouse is one of Moscow.

12. Chaynaya Vysota Gelateria Teahouse

(Чайная высота)
ул. Покровка, 27, стр. 1, Москва, Москва
Tea Room · Басманный · 188 tips and reviews

Tigran K.Tigran Kostanyan: Here is a huge collection of a wide variety of tea from different regions of China and Taiwan. Try an experimental cone of ice cream with champagne & white tea, mulberry, pine cone, lavender or lotus.

Upside Down Cake is one of Moscow.

13. Upside Down Cake

просп. Мира, 26, стр. 1 (Грохольский пер.), Москва, Москва
Cupcake Shop · Мещанский · 139 tips and reviews

Tigran K.Tigran Kostanyan: Cupcakes, cheesecakes, marshmallows and everything else from Willy Wonka's notebook. There are also good breakfast options, but mini-cupcakes are most popular, try several types at once.

Ladurée is one of Moscow.

14. Ladurée

Красная пл., 3, Москва, Москва
Dessert Shop · Китай-город · 37 tips and reviews

Tigran K.Tigran Kostanyan: One morning in the Red Square, come for fresh pastries: classic croissants, chocolate and pistachio buns - moderately crisp on top, soft inside. Try the iconic pasta cakes, muffins and french toast.

Макс Бреннер is one of Moscow.

15. Макс Бреннер

Цветной бул., 2, Москва, Москва
Chocolate Store · Мещанский · 326 tips and reviews

Tigran K.Tigran Kostanyan: Attention: this is a chocolate haven - It's in absolutely every dish here! Pipes with the sign “pure chocolate” pass through the hall. In containers it turns, making a little noise & emitting aroma.

Кантата is one of Moscow.

16. Кантата

пл. Киевского Вокзала, 2, Москва, Москва
Coffee Roaster · Дорогомилово · 9 tips and reviews

Tigran K.Tigran Kostanyan: Popular gallery of tea, coffee, sweets and exclusive gifts from all over the world. More than 80 products of delicious sweets and desserts handmade on their own sweets factory.

Confectionary (Cafe Pushkin) is one of Moscow.

17. Confectionary (Cafe Pushkin)

(Кондитерская «Кафе ПушкинЪ»)
Тверской бул., 26/5, Москва, Москва
Dessert Shop · Пресненский · 110 tips and reviews

Tigran K.Tigran Kostanyan: Pastry shop with the same name as the legendary restaurant next door. Desserts are elegantly served and prepared by hand under the chef's guidance. Prices are high, but so is the quality of sweets.

I Love Cake is one of Moscow.

18. I Love Cake

Большой Патриарший пер., 4, Москва, Москва
Cupcake Shop · Патриаршие пруды · 849 tips and reviews

Tigran K.Tigran Kostanyan: Over 100 kinds of desserts on the menu: pie, cupcakes, cookies, mousse, pudding. Coffee, cocoa and milk (hot or cold) are served with sweets and with various additives like syrup with gum flavour.

Гранд европейский экспресс is one of Moscow.

19. Гранд европейский экспресс

пл. Киевского Вокзала, 2, Москва, Москва
Modern European Restaurant · Дорогомилово · 24 tips and reviews

Tigran K.Tigran Kostanyan: Confectionery shop with a beautiful menu: pistachio roll with vanilla cream, red currants, raspberry filling & sugar snowflakes, Moscow gingerbread cookies. Everything one could ever dream of.

Булка is one of Moscow.

20. Булка

ул. Покровка, 19 (Чистопрудный бул.), Москва, Москва
Bakery · Чистые пруды · 249 tips and reviews

Tigran K.Tigran Kostanyan: Someday we'll start a diet...but not today! Perfect croissants, muffins with brisket, rolls and pies, almonds in caramel, candied fruits, marmalade, peanuts in caramel and so on. LONG LIVE THE BUN!