The meat is amazing. They stop all the time on your table and they are not cheap about it. They'll bring picanha every 2 minutes if you want to! Great music too. The staff isnt very friendly though :(
Each table gets a card, one side red, one side green. If the green card is facing up, expect rounds of tender sirloins, chicken hearts, and lamb chops delivered off the spit in an parade of delight. Read more
Wauww what an experince.a superb buffet should be easy with the buffet but is not so easy to hold yourself.then show starts.beefrib and sirloin steak are to die for.very friendly staff also
As authentic a churrascaria (Brazilian steakhouse) as you can find in NY. Save room for the picanha and bacon wrapped filet, and wash them down with authenticcaipirinhas / caipiroskas.
Expect to be inundated with meat the moment you turn your dining card from red to green. This selection includes cow, lamb chops, bacon-wrapped turkey and much more. Read more
Start off at the salad bar and then be prepared to get inundated with a variety of meats, include prime rib, sirloin, filet mignon, and rack of lamb. Just don't come with vegetarians.
Omg the ambiance is great, the food was magnificent especially that flank steak!!! Only thing is the drinks are really pricey...i mean $14 for an Amaretto sour but other than that a must go!!!
Ambiance mellow, food intense. From the vast salad bar to the perfectly-prepared meats to the orgasmic desserts, it's one of the best dining experiences I had in my life. Highly recommended! GO!
The style of eating is fun... u have a red and green coaster where green brings the meat which is all different cuts of meat and it's pri-fixe prices and a salad bar to start staff is knowledgable
The sheer diversity of meats here is astonishing. If you've never been to an authentic rodizio, here is a great place to start. Come hungry because the meat doesn't stop until you say so!
This is truly my favorite restaurant of all time. Come hungry, don't fill up on the delicious salad bar, and just know that they bring out the more expensive meats, towards the end of your meal.
If you're a meat lover, this is heaven. Unlimited thinly sliced meat with a red light/green light system. The salad bar is absolutely necessary to help with digestion for the week
Packed with tourists and bridge and tunnel but a fun experience for special occasions. Prefer the salad bar over the onslaught of meat. Try a Caipirinha or 2 or 3.
everything is done right here - attentive service with class, superb flavor with more variety than you can wrap your brain around-clean, friendly and priced accordingly. A must-do when eating in NYC!
Let's say you had a doctor appointment and had to fast all day, afterwards I would make a bee line here, you will NOT be hungry afterwards that is a guarantee and very delicious.
All the red meat is Certified Sterling Silver, certification for the best beef produced in the USA. Check it out: