Very impressive venue, it is somewhat reminiscent of post-utopian architecture and style. Located in the centre of Tiergarten, it makes a very charismatic location in park surroundings.
“Haus der Kulturen der Welt” is a well respected art institution in the very centre of Berlin and definitively one of Germany’s most iconic venues for projects breaking through artistic boundaries.
Check whether there's an exhibition visiting. I thought this place would be like a museum (with a permanent exhibition), but that turned out to be wrong. Especially during Dec/Jan there's few to see.
Als Beitrag der USA zur Interbau wurde die frühere Kongresshalle 1956/57 errichtet. Aufgrund der Architektur wird sie auch "Schwangere Auster" genannt und ist Ort für Kunst und Gedankenaustausch.