Cycling, running and walking. Not bad in the late afternoon as the tree coverage is dense over most paved trails. Herds of deer throughout the day so do obey the speed limit.
I love everything about this park! There's lots to do! Only complaint I have is the dog park. We have 3 small Yorkies and wish they could play in the park but their is way to many big dogs!
This park is huge and there are a lot of trails either on the track or man made. There is a ton of space and if you are a Geocacher this is a great place to do so.
This park is so huge and there's bound to be something you like to do here! I only wish there was some water or lake with jet-skiing or paddle-boating. Nice, friendlydog park, though!
The Blue loop is a nice meandering cross-country path. Fairlywell marked-> look for white posts with blue stripe. Got slightly lost on back side. Parking lot at trailhead filling up at 9:30 Saturday
Riding on the paved path in the park minding my own business and came across a 3' rattle snake right in the middle of the path. There not just in the woods anymore. Be alert!