Gorgeous remodeled theater with lots of fun events! Grab a cocktail at the Ace before a show. Save $ and park down the block on the street, there's usually a space at night!
Free LunchParking 11am- 2pm. Not sure about Regal Cinemas though. Watched Mission Impossible Rogue Nation- 2 1/2 Hours + an hour wait beforehand- and it was STILL $10!, WITH the Parking Validation!!!
Try to watch your movies in 4DX! not so cool while eating popcorn but, Awesome Experience Overall!👍 Leave the Water Button ON! Lighting effects, gusts of wind, water sprays, seats moving & cool sound
The onion runs are surprisingly a highlight here. They have a very flakey and crispy crust. Super tasty. $5 gets you an order, or you can just sub any fries for them instead for $1.
I didn't know about theatre #1, it's huge! Try to avoid the balcony seats if you're short (especially the first row) bc you won't be able to see the screen well. Other than that pretty nice theater :)
4DX is expensive but it's a real trip and absolutely worth it if you haven't tried it before. The motion can be a bit aggressive so I recommend picking a shorter popcornmovie.
Cool Mitsubishi hand blowing dryers! Stand back because they shoot upwards while your hands are in there! Has a cool light for you to see down there. Tried one before elsewhere, was better than Dyson.
A difficult location to access, you need a car. But there are many parking lots around. The movie theather is quite big with many theathers, with different kinds of movies at the same time.
The annual Los Angeles FilmFestival! LAFF is sponsored by Film Independent. A fantastic resource for film makers, writers, actors, composers, directors, and certain trades.
Make sure to sign up for the Regal Crown Club, not only is it free but it actually works! Make sure to present your card whenever you purchase (tickets or snacks) to add up points. Get free stuff!! :)
If you ride your bike down, you either have to lock it to a tree (not good) or go alllllllllllll the way down to the parkinggarage to use the bike racks. (Should be able to lock it up out front!)
No free parking. Validation is $5 for four hours in Lot 4 (kitty-corner to theater). Private lots are $5 and up if there's an event at Staples. Read more
Plan to wait at least ten minutes when they 5 minutes to cook egg rollscinnamon bites or mini corn dogs or have them bring them to your seat if you got it like that lol
On their two year anniversary they gave out two free popcorns with ticket purchases! Apparently there are little promotions like this one all the time!
Like all socal movie theatres, this one does not have kettle corn. Not talking bout sugar salt to put on popcorn, but real kettle corn. Nothing premium about the place other than the price.
Be careful about parking in the LA Live structure; even with validation, you could end up paying over $10 depending on how long you're there. Try one of the flat rate lots across from the theater on O
Nice venue for Spirit Awards screenings. Preferable to Laemmle Sunset (previous years' screenings) -- but can't top the Landmark (preview screenings) for location, parking, concessions & theater size.