Massive interchange.. Can be confusing when you first try switching lines, but the signage is good. Direct access into Plaza Singapura without going outside.
Art in d station. Look for 3 voices: prehistoric symbols by Sun Yu-Li; ceramic & mosaic by Milenko & Delia Prvacki; & nature by Baet Yeok Kuan. Part of LTA's Art in Transit programme. Source: Website
"Universal Language" by Sun Yu-Li. 1 of 180 such prehistoric icons in the station. This panel near escalators for North-East line, exiting to Plaza Singapura. Part of LTA's Art in Transit programme
“Interchange” by Milenko & Delia Prvacki. Ceramic & mosaic works on walls, columns & floor. Inspired by SG’s cultural & artistic heritage, & constant movement. Part of LTA’s Art in Transit programme
Find “Lantern of Music” by Tan Ping Chiang suspended from the ceiling at NSL concourse. Mobile sculptures resembling 3 lanterns, showcasing SG’s performances by various ethnicities. Source: Wikipedia
Seen here is 1 of 3 columns featuring the artwork “Man and Environment” by Baet Yeok Kuan. Found at the concourse of the Circle Line station. Part of LTA’s Art-in-Transit programme
3D map of the massive interchange to help orient, to locate exits & facilities like (handicap) toilets & lifts. Find this near Passenger Service Centre. First locate the red “You Are Here” geo-pin
You can almost travel everywhere from here. One of the important interchange. Singapore Plaza just a fews walk beside. Get a glimpse of Istana from here too.
ONLYaesthetics at 190 Clemenceau Ave, Singapore Shopping Centre for $99, 72% OFF LA SlimWrap by Hollywood Slimming Guru, Ms. Afsi Naim. Lose 5-20 Inches in 1 Session, Guaranteed! From 25Mar-27Mar Read more
In B2 Plaza Sing (connected) I like the Taiwan Beef Noodles Stall and there's a place that sells good sausages and hamburgers for affordable prices opposite Carl's Jr.
This mrt interchange must be extra careful and pay attention. If not u will be lost and confuse or worst board the wrong direction train. 3 mrt lines whole of escalator and many exits. :p
Dear Pax, if u going to Harbourfront, please TAKE the North East Line(Purple Line) and NOT the circle line(Yellow Line). It's close to an hour difference.
One stops. 3 different line. Good way to save your journey time compare taking bus. The negative bout it is the peak-hours. Hell ya it's gonna be pretty pack and chaotic. Typical Singaporean attitude.
This is the terminal station for circle line, it's not wise to wait for the trains on the opposite direction when the train on this side is here already.