I was craving for a nice Persian cuisine, and Rice House of Kabob met all my expectations. The Chenjeh Kabon was delish. Rice was perfectly cooked and the meat was tasty.
Fill up on the signature KubidehSirloin Platter or the The Iron Sheik's favorite JoojehChicken Platter and there's no way you're gonna leave without saying "I'm having a RICE day." Read more
This place screams MANAGEMENT, the Mothefuc@ of the cashiers screaming to the cooks in front of customers, no wonder why a sign of we are hiring every other day. Please have some respect for you crew
Vakhti ke restorane irooni velmikonidd be dasteh colombian dige bedard nemikhore! <--when you leave a persian rest in hands of colombians a lot of shit happen!!