Gates A1-A6 are a bit of a journey so unless you want bad coffee, pizza, or Five Guys (which is a good burger), I'd recommend grabbing something to eat on your way.
Very odd food & beverage service staff. Pushy, insincere. As a Californian I’m spoiled by good service -was still having a cocktail at Firkin & Fox and the manager tried to push another on me!
Between weather problems and mechanical problems its been a rough year us customer service agents work long hours and everything we can to help you passengers are out of control with your demands
Got to the boarding gate five minutes after the designated time. No one is boarding and no announcement. Ten minutes after the designated time, my seat was given to standbys. F****** united airlines!
United is a joke of an airline. Every time I have flown through here I am delayed HOURS. You have a better shot renting a car and driving if the flight is out of A1-6
This is the worst airport I've been to in 15 years. And the worst airline I've flown in all of my 30 years. Talkin to U, @united. NEVER AGAIN. 13 delays 2day, from mech issues & "change in aircraft."