My favourite spot around forever21 is the accessories section, they provide enourmous type of accessories, such as: necklaces, cuffs, bangles, rings etc. Plan a drop for yourself here, Fella.
2nd bad experiences. Shop are big but only 3 staffs available. 2 busy @cashier, 1 @fitting room (not friendly, not helpful). Nobody could help me find my item. Not recommended shop.
Kami supplier tangan pertama langsung dari konveksi menjual baju atasan, dress, sweater, baju muslim, blazer, cardigan, jaket, blouse. No Ecer, khusus serian. kunjungi
Toko segede gini cuma 3 staffs. Jutek banget yg di fitting room, gak ramah. Dua lagi sibuk kasir. Mau minta tlg malah dilempar2. Gimana mau dtg lagi ke toko spt ini? Di US staffsnya banyak & ramah2