curryburger with egg and caviar is to die for. note that evening menu is served with roast poratoes and serving is REALLY generous. strongly suggest you drink local nørrebro bryghus beer
Definitely one of Copenhagen's best burger joints, their prices don't suggest that. Beer selection is solid and the staff are awesome! Ask for Miguel and he'll make you a Brostorm special on request
The best is the chesseburguerbacon (with a lot of bacon), 1/2 pound beef (cow and pork), fries, mayo and salad. The red dressing is good too. One the best burguer places in CPH and my favorite one.
They've been serving burgers for a good 20 years and without substantial changes. Not the cheapest place, but for a no-frills classic burger experience, this is the spot. Try their homemadered sauce! Read more
Recommend you was the burger down with a Ravnsborg Rød by Nørrebro. 99 DKK for a full liter of sweet tasty craft beer (red ale) will make you smile all the way.
Du befinder dig i en sporvogn. Du får serveret cola i glas med hank og en djævelsk god karry-burger uden så mange dikkedarer. Der siver Tom Waits ud af højttalerne. Du har det godt her.
Et af mine yndlings-burgesteder. Old-school burgere, ikke nogen fancy salat, eller fuldkerne grovbolle. Godt tip mod tømmermænd: Prøv stedets chiliburger med baked beans.