Although this is an ice-cream shops chain, the quality is really good and prices are OK. Here you may be sure you get ice-cream made of fruits, not some stuff from chemical lab..
It's a bit overrated. It doesn't feel 'better' or more milky than other brands of gelato, but actually melts really fast, and is smaller in portion. However the same price (2.5eu for 2 scoops)
من افضل وارقى محلات بيع الچيلاتو في ايطاليا ، طبيعة وبدون مواد والوان صناعية ، الطعم جدا لذيذ خاصة التيراميسو والقهوة والڤانيليا الافضل بالنسبة لي ، يستحق التجربة .
Con la filosofia MuraMura i frutti non arrivano prima ma hanno un gusto incredibile! È questo che rende il Gelato Grom inimitabile! Le dritte smart de La3. Read more
Una heladería con una fama poco merecida, el helado estaba bueno pero e comido mucho mejores en Venecia (y en general en Italia), tarrina mediana 3'20€ y grande 3'70€.