Food is okay, not worth the hour wait. The seats are tiny the space is crammed and the staff passing behind you makes it even worse. Didn’t enjoy the meal.
Very small place. Queued for more than an hour.The smoke is killing everyone including me. The meat and vegetable is well not worth smoke in all that oily smoke. Not recommended.
애매한 9시에 갔는데도 1시간 기다렸어요ㅋㅋ 5.5점이랑 동시에 줄 섰는데 본점이 더 빨리 빠졌어요! 맛있긴 맛있어요 먹고 나서 화가 나지는 않는거보면 worth it?ㅋㅋ 그런데 양이 좀 너무 적어서 저희 부부는 6접시 먹은... 팁에 3접시면 충분하다는 분 뭐지-_-^ 기린 생맥은 특별한 컵에 담아줘서 계속 차갑네요