2015/02: They have moved their eating area to the corner near the Mandarin Oriental laundry counter. There's a convenient sink and rubbish bin there. During off hours it seems to be a stafflounge
The bakery serves some good sandwiches (I keep going back to their Milk Hearths), and the deli serves pricey, but decent food. Definitely a place to go to get food… to go. (*sunglasses* + YEAH!!)
Salad to mix and match pay by weight. Sushi box. The bakery. They change periodically the theme of the central food stall (Japanese, Korean, Italian..)
They have frequent food fairs, if you are looking for something more exciting for your palate this is where you should be heading to. Love their Australian week offering!
Awesome place many variety of food & beverage but the negative part - no air condition near the check out counter. Almost fainted when in queue to check out.
Varieties in the supermarket need to be improve; i.e. Dairies, cheese, cereals, fruits. The products are getting very low end. Buyers need to be attentive with up and coming market trend.