The security always manage to raise yr stress levels and from very good mood to a bad one. Stuck for 30mins. Make sure u separate yr toiletries, electronics, jackets and scarves into separate boxes.
Never had any problems here. Prepare yourself while coming up in the line, take the liquids out of your bag, take off your belt etc. Also, you might wanna remember that everyone deserves friendliness.
If you have less than 30 minutes to get to your connecting flight, you may use the Fast Lane at the security checkpoint.. please make sure to check the monitor screens for information on your flight.
Unconscionable lines...well over an hour. I appreciate the thoroughness but they need much more staff. Missed a flight on leg one of my trip and will probably miss this return flight as well.
VERY slow security checks, even for the Business Class / VIP line.Plan on 45+ minutes just to get through security screening... this is one of the worst airports I've experienced.