They start serving pizzas as early as 6 am. Whether ur pullin an all nighter or just that hungry, do urself a favor and get a Giardeniera pizza and Rocola salad. Buon appetito.
Dine in at 2nd floor, order their cajon chicken spicy pasta & light-thin vegetable pizza إحلس بالدور الثاني، اطلب باستا كاجون الدجاج الحار والبيتزا الرقيقة للخضروات
Check the Chef gloves!! They are used up and so old that is his finger tips are out and blackish nails in to your food!! Enjoy الشيف قفازاته مشقوقة وأظافرة السودة بالأكل ويييع ويييع ويييع
PizzaExpress has been perfecting the art of pizza since 1965.... We have also kept our pizzas, as Italian original Pizza should be, by sticking to traditional ingredients and using an authentic pizzeria oven. The chefs at our PizzaExpress restaurants have created special mouth-watering recipes.(Show more)