The majestically beautiful primeval forest. October seemed to be a great time to see the colors of the fall. Old oak trees are a MUST see, and the street vendors sell amazing , unprocessed honey :-)
A menagerie created in the interwar period, which was the first step toward restoration of a population of wisent, European wood bison (Bison bonasus), which was hunted almost to extinction.
Registered in the List of UNESCO since 1979, as the largest natural forest area in Europe, the last fragment of primeval forests unmatched in other European wealth of fauna and flora.
Popatrz z wygodnego tarasu naturalne zachowania żubrów: zaloty samców, matki karmiące cielaczki na chudych nóżkach i brutalne ustalanie hierarchii. W sezonie rezerwat dostępny w godz. 9-17. Read more
Belovezhskaya Pushcha | Białowieża Forest
Nadleśnictwo Zwierzynieckie 17-230Białowieża Polska