Excellent sanctuary for smokers, they serve the worst cappuccino ever! Turkish coffee is kinda good. Didn’t try their food yet! and definitely I’m coming again .. to smoke of course lol.
Try their Mushroom soup and Oreo cheesecake. They are both delicious. Before ordering the chocolate cake, ask if its fresh. Sadly they usually serve it dry or stale.
I spelled embarrassment wrong due to the distress that was caused by teagarden ,i have considered suing teagarden for the emotional damaged that was caused by said establishment .
I decided to give this place another chance i thought maybe i was wrong maybe i over exaggerated ,i find myself once again the victim of this poor establishment what a disappointment
My phone used to work until i came here due to the "mist" apparently my phone isn't waterproof ,neither is my mascara because i left crying after the waiter insulted me ,i left teary eyed and wet.
I'm never setting foot in teagarden ever again ,to avoid furthermore embracement this almost is a violation of human rights to be served this poorly never again!!
المطعم كانك قاعد بحديقة ومفتوحة،بسيط والخدمةممتازةوكانو جدا مرحبين،الاكل معقول ونظيف،الوافل و كريب سبانخ مع جبن كويسين..الأسعار معقولةجدا.. للأسف الحمامات بدون اي صيانة واهتمام ٨/١٠
ممنوع تطلب مشروبات حاره بعد ٨ المساء ، بعد ٧ المساء عشاء فقط، خدمة سيئة ومدير اسوء؛ رفض يقدم لنا شاي بعد العشاء بحجة ان الي يطلب شاي بعد الاكل يطول بدون طلب مع العلم اني تعشيت قبل!
غيرو النظام ، يقولوا انهم ما يقدمو قهوه بعد الصلاة ؟ مدري ليش ، يقولوا لازم تطلب طبق رئيسي على عدد الأفراد الموجودين ، يعني حتى لو في واحد من ١٠ ما يبغى الا شي خفيف ، ما يرضوا الا يطّلع او يطلب