Absolutely the unique place in Nanjing where I'm feeling in Europe. The food is delicious and juices are fresh and juicy for sure. Please try the carrot cake. It's absolutely the best carrot cake.
Carrot cake!!! It's very hard to find proper western food in China. However someone genius gave this city a nice restaurant to comfort travelers' stomachs with real cakes, coffee, pastas and more.
I mean, other food on the menu (than brunch menu) is not available until 11 on the weekend. Also, blueberries in the yogurt were dry and sour. Yogurt needs a bit of honey, a bit sour.
Regular L coffee was too bitter for a regular Americano and flat white is NOT flat white, tastes like regular cappuccino with less foam. (Taste flat white in Costa for a real one!)
I tried one of thee juices and I wasn't very impressed. I think you can get better things at the same price at an independent cafe or even costa coffee.
Wagas沃歌斯是一家提供健康时尚美食的休闲西餐连锁店。1999年一位年青的丹麦小伙子John Christensen 发现在上海要找到美味可口的三明治是一件非常困难的事,所以他在上海中信泰富开了第一家沃歌斯店。最受欢迎的菜品包括咖喱鸡肉、烤南瓜和提子干菠菜拉法卷、烟熏三文鱼意面,再配上一杯青苹果芒果鲜榨果汁。 Read more