For 8€ you get three super fast rides. The view is amazing tho if you get lucky to enjoy it. I wish there was no glass window to take nicer pics (that is if you’re quick enough to take them)
Nice night view, but it's impossible to take photos of the city. There are scratched windows. The price is 8€ for person, children under 140 cm have discount.
The aesthetic mugging of European city skylines continues. Another blight on an otherwise beautiful view. Please boycott touristferris wheels here and elsewhere.
Inconstancy is my very essence, says the wheel. Rise up on my spokes if you like but don't complain when you're cast back down into the depths. Good time pass away, but then so do the bad. - Boethius
There is air condition, the view is alright, but it is not worth the money and the windows are scratched as well, which is annoying in the night. Spend I money somewhere else if you can.
Ruota panoramica alta 65mt (non tanto) ed è immersa nella città. Il biglietto costa 8€ e vale solo 2 giri massimo 3. Pochi però si gode di una vista unica
Cena prijateľná, výhľady nádherné, rad postupuje rýchlo. Odporúčam pri návšteve Budapešti toto miesto nevynechať. Okrem toho jazda je pomerne dlhá, nie len jedno otočenie a hotovo.