The chocolate orange thins are delicious and it's available in mint and coffee flavors as well. The chocolate-nut bars are good too. My favorite though is the salted caramelalmonds 😍😍
The double espresso is good. I like buying a new chocolate bar every time I go there and their truffles are so delicious 🐒 if you like mint chocolate get one of the summerdown products! Addictive.
Chocolate they use is of excellent quality, the desserts they serve are incredible 🙈 very good coffee too. I recommend going there every once in a while for a sweet treat.
They stopped selling imported good but they started manufacturing their own! I'm pretty impressed with the quality of their "homemade" chocolates it's not bad at all!
The molten cake makantsh say7a men gowa w knt gamda keda lama sa2alt el waiter 2al en hya chocolate cake mn gowa msh l mafroud tkoun say7a wl ana 3yzaha say7a esmaha cake Fondue w hya msh 3andohom!!!l