Maylasian native chef blends the traditional flavours of Maylasian and China with his secret recipe to create a bowl of fragrant noodles with lobster in a savoury-spicy currycoconut broth.
Come to our Cafe Kool to try Candaian Certified Black Angus Prime OP Rib, 180-day grain fed from Guelph, Ontario. Chef at western station & go perfectly with the prime cut during dinner buffet period.
Crab is at the centrestage of Café Kool’s dinner buffet from 11 to 24 January. Dive into a variety of chilled crabs or try something hot like Deep-Fried Crab Cake and Wonton. Book now!
Traditional Christmas Log - this made with a delicate sponge and velvety smooth coffee cream. This will go down a treat with everyone. Buy one for your gathering with friends, cheers!!!
Chef picks this high-quality Angus prime rib for its rich flavour and juicy tenderness. Also, Chef serves the rib with Yorkshire pudding, along with a great variety of grilled vegetables and sauces.
Venture out for a flavourful robatayaki dinner buffet of premium meats, seafood and vegetables, grilled a la minute with the right amount of seasonings, heat and passion.
Extraordinary cuisines.....treat your family and friends to a hearty buffet extravaganza with 14 signature dishes and many culinary delights from around the globe.
Thinking of buying gift for your business partners, family and friends this Christmas and New Year? Come to Cafe Kool now to buy this soft, delicate and beautifully gift wrapped panettone!
Thinking of celebrating Thanksgiving with your family? Come to Cafe Kool to savour traditional treats, such as roasted pumpkin, roasted turkey and many more. Available for lunch and dinner on 26 Nov!
A wide range of tasty cold and hot food plus desserts.There are more chefs serving cooked food than other buffethotels.$428+10% for its comfortable setting and 10-15% off with hsbc&boc credit cards👍
Did you know? Since August this year, Cafe Kool has offered new signature dishes made from secret recipes from its culinary team to enhance guests' dining experience.
Between 1 and 31 Jan, Cafe Kool will be offering 4 different selections of detox water to enhance your vitality and to promote greater well-being! Come now and try! HK$15 per jar or HK$30 free flow.
Festive season limited edition of candy boxes have just arrived today at Cafe Kool and Deli Kool! What are you waiting for? Come and bring it home now!
Café Kool features 14 signature dishes including Lobster Laksa,... Warm Chocolate Fondant and Jet-fresh Oysters at the daily buffet dinner and many more.(Show more)