Make sure to bring your earplugs if you're seeing anything but a very quiet band. The soundboard ops here, like at most small venues, believe that the only good volume setting is "all the way up".
Bring a couple dollar bills if you plan on sitting in line outside during summer shows. There is a nice guy who will stroll down the sidewalk with a cart filled with bottles of water for a buck.
The 9:30 club isn't so named because it has anything to do with any time of the day, but because of its original location, 930 F St. NW, which is now an office building. Womp-womp.
Awesome! My only complaint is that I went there for a show on a Sunday morning so I opted for a coke instead of a beer. It was four bucks! Solution: get a beer. Problem solved.
Go to a show with a good opener, and get there in time to hold down the bar stools on the balcony above the VIP area and within arm's reach of the bar. Ideal seated viewing spot.
They changed their Backbar policy and claim it's never been a separate line. Except every other concert we've been to HAS been a separate line. BE CAREFUL!!!!!!
Never give up on a sold out show! There are always people getting rid of extras for face value an hour before the show. Not really surprising giving the flakiness level of this town! Read more