Wolfram’s Liked Places
Úrad vlády Slovenskej republiky is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

1. Úrad vlády Slovenskej republiky

Námestie slobody 1, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Capitol Building · Námestie Slobody · 5 tips and reviews

WolframWolfram: Nice place, nur everything is locked and closed.

RTVS - Slovenský rozhlas is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

2. RTVS - Slovenský rozhlas

Mýtna 1, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Radio Station · Staré Mesto · 11 tips and reviews

WolframWolfram: Very impressive with the inverted pyramid.

Blumentálsky kostol is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

3. Blumentálsky kostol

Floriánske námestie 1-2, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Church · Staré Mesto · 2 tips and reviews

WolframWolfram: Nice church with daily celebrations.

Franz Xaver Messerschmidt is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

4. Franz Xaver Messerschmidt

Nám. SNP, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Café · Staré Mesto · 18 tips and reviews

WolframWolfram: Nice Café with specials and a little gallery. Belongs to the Flag Ship and the brewery.

Kláštorný pivovar is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

5. Kláštorný pivovar

SNP 8, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Brewery · Staré Mesto · 19 tips and reviews

WolframWolfram: The brewery of the Flag Ship bar and restaurant. Also belongs to the Café F. X. Messerschmidt with the little gallery.

Bratislava Flagship Restaurant is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

6. Bratislava Flagship Restaurant

Nám. SNP 8, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Slovak Restaurant · Staré Mesto · 177 tips and reviews

WolframWolfram: Good place with own beer and local food. Go and see the whole place inside and outside.

Námestie SNP is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

7. Námestie SNP

Nám. SNP 1, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Plaza · Staré Mesto · 12 tips and reviews

WolframWolfram: Good Bars and Restaurants in that place.

Primaciálne námestie is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

8. Primaciálne námestie

Primaciálne nám. 1, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Plaza · Staré Mesto · 6 tips and reviews
Main Square is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

9. Main Square

(Hlavné námestie)
Hlavné nám. 1, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Plaza · Staré Mesto · 42 tips and reviews

WolframWolfram: Shopping and dinner. Or enjoy some cocktails in the acient part of town.

Zámocký pivovar is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

10. Zámocký pivovar

Zámocká 794/13, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Brewery · Staré Mesto · 79 tips and reviews
Bratislava Castle is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

11. Bratislava Castle

(Bratislavský hrad)
Zámocká 2, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Castle · Staré Mesto · 131 tips and reviews

WolframWolfram: Schöne Verbindung der unterschiedlich alten Bauten. Zu Fuß gut erreichbar oder die Bimmel-Bahn für Touristen nehmen.

Kostol Najsvätejšej Trojice is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

12. Kostol Najsvätejšej Trojice

Hurbanovo námestie 11, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Church · Staré Mesto · 2 tips and reviews

WolframWolfram: Auf dem Weg zu Burg hier kurz stoppen!

St. Michael's Gate is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

13. St. Michael's Gate

(Michalská brána)
Michalská 375/15 (Zámočnícka), Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Historic and Protected Site · Staré Mesto · 31 tips and reviews

WolframWolfram: Nice place in the acient town. There's restaurants and bars all over the place.

Wine Not is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

14. Wine Not

Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Wine Bar · Staré Mesto · 16 tips and reviews

WolframWolfram: Lots of wine! You can choose by your own or let them take you on a journey into local and international wines.

Hviezdoslav Square is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

15. Hviezdoslav Square

(Hviezdoslavovo námestie)
Hviezdoslavovo nám., Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Pedestrian Plaza · Staré Mesto · 27 tips and reviews

WolframWolfram: Very nice place during the whole day, nur espacially in the evenings.

Kogo is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

16. Kogo

Hviezdoslavovo nám. 178/21, Bratislava
Seafood Restaurant · Staré Mesto · 35 tips and reviews

WolframWolfram: Good food and a very nice place in the evening. Prices are high. You pay for the ambiente;)

17. Larca

Schlossstr. 49, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg
Sporting Goods Retail · Neue Vorstadt · 1 tip

WolframWolfram: Ich war überrascht, wie vorsortiert die Filiale erscheint. Der Katalog ist deutlich breiter.

SportScheck is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

18. SportScheck

Kronenstr. 3 (Königstr.), Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg
Sporting Goods Retail · Hauptbahnhof · 5 tips and reviews

WolframWolfram: Ich war überrascht, dass immer. Ur bestimmte Segmente in die Breite gehen. Rest spitz und knapp. Überengagiertes Verkaufspersonal.

Raststätte Schönbuch West is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

19. Raststätte Schönbuch West

A 81, Nufringen, Baden-Württemberg
Truck Stop · 8 tips and reviews

WolframWolfram: Es gibt einen Grill und einen Burger King

Lohhof Regiomat is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

20. Lohhof Regiomat

Food and Beverage Retail · 2 tips and reviews

WolframWolfram: Regiomat testen!

Landgasthof Hauser (Hauserei) is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

21. Landgasthof Hauser (Hauserei)

Haubergstr. 3, Hattingen, Baden-Württemberg
German Restaurant · 10 tips and reviews
Donaueschingen is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

22. Donaueschingen

Donaueschingen, Baden-Württemberg
Town · 3 tips and reviews

WolframWolfram: Schönes, kleines Städtchen mit großer Geschichte

Donauquelle is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

23. Donauquelle

Fürstenbergstr., Donaueschingen, Baden-Württemberg
Lake · 8 tips and reviews

WolframWolfram: Wow Erlebnis

Rathausplatz is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

24. Rathausplatz

Rathausplatz 1, Donaueschingen, Baden-Württemberg
Plaza · 2 tips and reviews

WolframWolfram: Unbedingt zum Musikbrunnen und die Musiker justieren

Bahnhof Donaueschingen is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

25. Bahnhof Donaueschingen

Bahnhofstr. 1, Donaueschingen, Baden-Württemberg
Rail Station · 5 tips and reviews

WolframWolfram: Hier fahren Bahn (DB) Naturpark-Express (NPE) und Schwarzwaldbahn.

Fürstenberger Braustüble is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

26. Fürstenberger Braustüble

Poststr. 2, Donaueschingen, Baden-Württemberg
German Restaurant · 8 tips and reviews

WolframWolfram: Frag nach den aktuellen Bieren am Zapf

Donauzusammenfluss is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

27. Donauzusammenfluss

Brigachweg, Donaueschingen, Baden-Württemberg
Scenic Lookout · 1 tip

WolframWolfram: Inspirierender Ort

Immendingen is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

28. Immendingen

Immendingen, Baden-Württemberg
Town · 1 tip
RC-Car Racing Playground is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

29. RC-Car Racing Playground

Playground · No tips or reviews
Donauversickerung is one of Wolfram’s Liked Places.

30. Donauversickerung

Scenic Lookout · 1 tip

WolframWolfram: Skandalös. Außerdem heißt es Donauversinkung. Oder wie jetzt?