Beate's Saved Places
Gatsby Athens is one of Beate's Saved Places.

1. Gatsby Athens

Lekka 18, Αθήνα, Αττική
Hotel · Σύνταγμα · 9 tips and reviews
Μυστικός Κήπος is one of Beate's Saved Places.

2. Μυστικός Κήπος

Καραολή Δημητρίου 21, Χαλάνδρι, Αττική
Greek Restaurant · Kato Chalandri · 78 tips and reviews

Beate R.Beate Randulf: All the dishes we tasted were simply yummy. A must try when in Halandri.

Kudu "The Workshop" is one of Beate's Saved Places.

3. Kudu "The Workshop"

Βουτάδων 28, Athens, Αττική
Coffee Shop · 46 tips and reviews

Beate R.Beate Randulf: The selection of coffee is fantastic. The brunch changes every month. The place is very trendy and inside it is smoke free something hard to find in GREECE. The service is also very good.

Sakis Restaurant is one of Beate's Saved Places.

4. Sakis Restaurant

Δημουλίτσα Πατατούκα, Πάργα
Greek Restaurant · 51 tips and reviews

Beate R.Beate Randulf: Sakis restaurant was a true culinary experience. Food beyond expectations despite the 9.0 foursquarecrating

Pasta Fresca is one of Beate's Saved Places.

5. Pasta Fresca

Celetná 598/11, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Italian Restaurant · Staré Město · 491 tips and reviews
Raki Ba Raki is one of Beate's Saved Places.

6. Raki Ba Raki

Αραμπατζόγλου 17-19 (Ξανθουδίδου), Ρέθυμνο, Ρέθυμνο
Meze Restaurant · 52 tips and reviews