It’s like heaven. Everything is just so perfect: vegan donuts with various flavors, a charitydonut (eat delicious and help others at the same time) and free dog treats for our furry friends.
Donuts are whimsical and great. Solid sandwiches. PopulusCoffeewell done too - and it’s the ONLY top flight espresso in Berlin open until 8pm on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the dreams I have of the Boston Cream donuts from here. I'd do absolutely anything to know the recipe just for the cream. So perfectly decadent.....
Donuts are amazing! don't go for the juices though - they take forever to make and are way too pricey for the amount and the ingedients. Just indulge unhealthy comfort-Food and stick with coffee.
You could easily film an episode of "Portlandia" here. Filter coffee is so special I was convinced to NOT add [oat] milk in it. Anyway, milk costs extra. Also, they accept cards!
The donut selection is good. Beware, though: vegan donuts apparently don’t have quite the flavor heft as regular ones. These are good, but it also sure ain’t Dough Brooklyn...
We love making vegan donuts (the fried type) with only natural ingredients. We prefer using homemade toppings and glazings, so nearly everything is DIY!