Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Soto-Kanda to go with friends:

  • 8.7


    Rock Club 外神田3-10-9 東京, 東京都

    People also say (14 tips):

  • 9.2

    Akizuki Denshi Tsusho

    Electronics Store 外神田1-8-3 東京, 東京都

    People also say (22 tips):

    • chibaf
      chibaf: "Lo Fred I vaaess it srr sees seasvrs deer on her way back home now to see him in his eyes on her sbaglio love and love how io oops"
  • 8.6

    Myojin Otoko-zaka

    Hiking Trail 外神田2 東京, 東京都

    People also say (18 tips):

    • しろひな ω.
      しろひな ω・。))): "たいへん残念ですが、現実にここを駆け上がって行くのは女子高生ではなくオタクのお兄さんばかりです(笑)"
  • 8.8

    JAM Akihabara

    Café 外神田3-2-13 東京, 東京都

    People also say (17 tips):

    • ねんかみ
      ねんかみ: "ゆっくり出来てフードメニューも美味しい、ドリンクも種類多くて飽きない。初めて秋葉原に観光に来てメイド喫茶に行きたいって人にオススメしたいお店。"
  • 8.8

    Tanaka Sobaten

    Ramen Restaurant 外神田3-8-3 東京, 東京都

    People also say (41 tips):

    • Hachikaoru
      Hachikaoru: "中華そば750円+味卵110円。"
  • 8.9


    Chinese Restaurant 外神田3-10-10 東京, 東京都

    People also say (46 tips):

    • Julia G.
      Julia Grando: "Amazing sets for good price! Very tasty food."

People are talking about these places in Soto-Kanda:

  • 8.8

    B-PUMP Tokyo 秋葉原

    Climbing Gym 湯島1-1-8 文京区, 東京都

    People also say (12 tips):

    • Dallas K.
      Dallas Kwok: "Large variety of problems across three distinct floors. Great service for English speakers and clean changing & locker facilities. About 10 min walk from nearby metro & JR stations."
    • John T.
      John Tang: "Big gear store, three levels of bouldering"
  • 9.3

    Kanda Myojin Shrine

    Shrine 外神田2-16-2 東京, 東京都

    People also say (84 tips):

    • ML
      ML: "A power spot in Tokyo, famous for wishing for good business. SUPER crowded during January even in the evening."
    • Egor .
      Egor 🐢: "Kanda Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan. The shrine dates back 1,270 years, but the current structure was rebuilt several times due to fire and earthquakes."
  • 8.6

    Super Potato

    Video Games Store 外神田1-11-2 東京, 東京都

    People also say (56 tips):

    • naveen
      naveen: "Must-go: retro gaming mecca; bring yen to play the arcade games upstairs. Getting lost in Akiba & then stumbling into this spot was the moment that got me to quit my job to go off to start foursquare."
    • Heewa B.
      Heewa Barfchin: "Amazing collection of classic games for a ton of old systems, with a few hooked up to TVs to play, and a retro arcade up top. Mostly Japanese language games, but worth a look at least, even if no buy."

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