Must-go: retro gaming mecca; bring yen to play the arcade games upstairs. Getting lost in Akiba & then stumbling into this spot was the moment that got me to quit my job to go off to start foursquare.
Amazing collection of classic games for a ton of old systems, with a few hooked up to TVs to play, and a retroarcade up top. Mostly Japanese language games, but worth a look at least, even if no buy.
If you have any interest in vintage video games, this is your jam. It's a couple floors of everything from TurboGrafix to Dreamcast. There's a couple arcade machines on the top floor!
Oh my Sweet Baby Jesus, if you are an old school video game nerd (NES, SNES, Sega, Turbo16) this is your mecca. Top floor has rows & rows of Famicom titles / posters / swag (and some SF2 machines!)
Lots of retrovideo games and systems. Classic Nintendo character memorabilia for sale. The 3rd floor has coin arcade and drinks if you want to hang out and play retro games.
The place is displaying the history of video game. Not only You can saw retroconsole like late 70’s game watch, 80’s SNES & 90’s Gameboy but also saw legend game like super mario bros #TravelingTokyo
No English games for SNES. You'll only find games for the Japanese console :-(. Went also to book-off and hard-off in Akihabara area and zero games in English :-( just got SNES controllers.
I bought a "broken" Super Famicom and controller for ¥700 thinking I could try repairing it or using it as decoration. Tried turning it on when I got home and they just worked, no problems!
There is nice old school sweets shop on the 5F floor! 3F+4F-stores with gaming merch, old school consoles and games. There is not much people and noise like in other arcades which is huge plus.
Il miglior negozio di retrogames del mondo! Qui potete trovare veramente di tutto a dei prezzi ottimi. A due passi dalla stazione di Akihabara. Un must per ogni collezionista videoludico a Tokyo!