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Here are some popular tips in Yakimanka. Select a taste to see more:

Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Yakimanka to go with friends:

  • 9.2

    Tretyakov Gallery

    Art Museum Лаврушинский пер., 10 Moscow, Moscow

    People also say (527 tips):

    • Marco M.
      Marco Myto: "A must when you visit Moscow! get a map and decide what you want to see upfront to avoid errands: the gallery is quite big!"
  • 9.4

    Neskuchny Garden

    Park Пушкинская наб. Moscow, Moscow

    People also say (344 tips):

    • Julliet S.
      Julliet Savinkova: "One of my favorite places in Moscow. I'm always surprised how little people are coming here, considering it is better than Gorkiy Park. You can meet squirrels here 😸"
  • 9.0


    Tea Room ул. Большая Ордынка, 46, стр. 3 Moscow, Moscow

    People also say (1 tips):

    • Polina R.
      Polina Rodzinskaya: "Классная музыка, много чая, приятная умиротворяющая атмосфера! Приходите!"
  • 8.7

    Surf Coffee

    Coffee Shop Конный пер., 12 Moscow, Moscow

    People also say (16 tips):

    • Elena S.
      Elena Shi: "Great vibes, good music. Surfer breakfasts all day long - take one with banana pudding."
  • 8.9

    New Tretyakov

    Art Museum ул. Крымский Вал, 10 Moscow, Moscow

    People also say (157 tips):

    • Nika R.
      Nika Reshetnikova: "Every Wednesday is a day of free admission! You have a great chance to visit the permanent exhibition (some temporaray shows are also included - such as the Moscow Biennale) absolutely for free!"
  • 9.4

    Muzeon Park

    Park Крымская наб. Moscow, Moscow

    People also say (587 tips):

    • Edgar E.
      Edgar Edgar: "Mind blowing. Try to visit it on a grey Sunday morning, round 11am. Your trip will be accompanied by the ringing bells of churches around. Mystic."

People are talking about these places in Yakimanka:

  • 8.8

    Фонтан на Крымской набережной

    Fountain Крымская наб. Moscow, Moscow

    People also say (19 tips):

    • Олег К.
      Олег Клюквин: "Отличное место! Есть где посидеть, есть велосипедные дорожки, есть фонтанчик и прочие пряники. Чисто и уютно, всем советую забрести сюда в поисках спокойного мечта для отдыха после трудового дня."
    • Mary G.
      Mary Glukhova: "На ступенях Третьяковки рекламные корнеры разных компаний с розыгрышами ништяков. Надо раньше приходить, чтобы получать подарки почётче, к вечеру не остаётся 😂"
  • 9.0

    Krymskaya Embankment

    Road Крымская наб. Moscow, Moscow

    People also say (85 tips):

    • Erhan A.
      Erhan Astam: "Very nice park. Good for bicycles, rollers, scooters... Wheels have separate paths, very smooth. Scattered statues are interesting. Why I didn't come here earlier ? :)"
    • Dmitriy K.
      Dmitriy K: "A great new place, for all those walks and jogs, and general unwinding."
  • 9.1

    Игровая площадка «Салют»

    Playground ЦПКиО им. Горького Moscow, Moscow

    People also say (12 tips):

    • Tema S.
      Tema Stankevich: "Это чума! Лучшая детская площадка в городе. Обязательно берите с собой всех детей, даже 30-летних."
    • Nekit B.
      Nekit Bryzgaloff: "Лучшая площадка для взрослых! 😜👍🏻"

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