The batter on my fish was v bitter, they didn't charge me for it as I told them about it. The mushy peas were v minty. The Blanche beer was delish. My friend had the beef & he couldn't eat it either
Their home made tonic in G&Ts was too sweet, the endive salad was too sweet and the pulled pork sandwich was under seasoned. All over the place and nothing coming close to being worth the price. Avoid
Assiette de fromages du Québec en entrée et filet de boeuf effilé avec sauce à la bière, purée au cheddar et carottes au raifort. Le tout agrémenté d'une bière IPA dans un cadre authentique et vivant.
Mes classiques : la salade aux bettraves + salade d'endives et bleu !! Le cocktail de gin julep en apéro, un verre de rouge et comme digestif espresso + shot de cognac pour me rappeler BA ! I love it