Good place to learn how to make glass beads, glass sculpturalart, silversmith. Jewelry making and design classes. Great selection of "One Of The Kind" jewelryhandmade by Artist Dobrila Pintar.
Nice,cosy art Studio.You can shop for your perfect gift.Handmade,one of a kind jewelry designs made by Dobrila,featured Artist in Chicago Artists Month.Variety selection of workshops@ gathering events
Just got out of the press "Chicago Gallery News " magazine Sep-Dec issue it's a great opportunity to see sculptural work by Dobrila Pintar and Erwin Overes at "Studio Oh"
Third Annual Art Competition +Bridgeport Art Center Saturday, February 28 You are invited and your attendance and support for my "Dragon Jug" is highly appreciative.
Great place to learn Lampworking, Glass to make glass beads, glass sculptural design...and any more fun things like Christmas ornaments
Glass Art Studio.
Using Lampwork as a base to create glass beads and sculptural work and metalsmith to design and create "unique as your signature" jewelry.
Organize schedule and by appointment only individual and group classes and workshops.