Exceptional gastronomic ambiance where you can choose your preferred fish cooked to your liking, also one of the most aesthetically pleasing spots as it faces a private beach.
The concept is great but the service was dreadful and spoiled our evening! It is currently a building site and the restaurant looks very tired. Bad compared to the service at other restaurants!
Отличное место за отелем "Интерконтиненталь". Вроде рыбного рынка, но с возможность приготовить и накормить прям здесь и сейчас из того, что Вы выберете на прилавке. Неплохая винная карта. Недешево
Fresh seafood, cooked Thai-style and served in a relaxed setting... right on the beach. Lobster, crab, prawns and other specialties served indoors or on the terrace overlooking the beach.(Show more)